'09 Nav in '08 Explorer, oh-no! - Help!?! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'09 Nav in '08 Explorer, oh-no! - Help!?!


August 7, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Mpls, Mn
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Limited V8 AWD
I have a 2008 Limited, with Sync and the 6-disk audiophile sound system, including Sirius satelite. I bought a 2009 Navigation system (take-out unit), hoping to get the enhanced feature set in the '09 unit.

I got the '09 unit today, and immediately took out the the OEM unit - Oh-oh! More sockets on the back of the new unit (one more large gray one, and two more coax/antenna-like), and a few other differences. One of the new coax connectors is undoubtedly for the GPS antenna (which hasn't arrived yet).

I did plug the new unit in, at least the connectors that had mates, and it lights and tunes the AM/FM bands. No Sirius life. The only sound comes out the rear sub-woofer (rumble-mumble). Can't pair my bluetooth phone, and no Sync functions seem to work. The steering wheel controls for the radio do work.

HELP!!! Anyone know if I can get my truck and the '09 unit to "play nice" with each other.

Here is a photo of the two units. The '09 is on the left, '08 on the right.


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I suspect one would be for the rear view camera, another for USB connection?

Hmm, good thought about the camera - I would like to add one if I can get this unit working. USB already comes in through the existing cables somehow. I'm wondering if the '09 has the satelite receiver built-in and my '08 is external (behind glove box, I think I read). That still leaves the big gray connector and another coax ...


Thought about doing the same thing, did you ever get this setup to work correctly?

The yellow plug in the lower right corner looks like the sat radio antenna plug. My 09 edge its still seperate tuner box though.

Yes, I got it all working. The results are great, but I wouldn't recommend anyone else to try this unless you have lots of technical knowledge (I'm an electrical engineer), are good at improvising, have full access to all Ford schematics (which have errors/ommissions), access to the special connectors, lots of time, and can handle risk. I had to rewire much of the wiring harness in the dash and in the center console. Also had to add an external amp, and replace the rooftop satellite antenna and add a splitter cable for that. Still need to replace the steering wheel switch (that's all that doesn't work). Oh, of course you can kiss any warrenty goodby! Then you'll have to pay for the satellite service (mine still works for some reason). But I use lots of features all the time and love it!

So what was that new 4th plug for then? and what about the 3rd antenna plug? Thinking about doing the same with my 07' so if you could be more specific on what you had to change.
