Completed Project - 17 Interceptor utility FCIM not working. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Completed Project 17 Interceptor utility FCIM not working.

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April 30, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Queens NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Interceptor utility
Hello, i bought this car last week with the fromt interface not working. Did some research and assumed it was the FCIM. I bought a replacement, plugged it in and still only have the hazard button being the only one that works. Radio controls do not work, and hvac is set to heat with the front defrost on. I have attached the log that for scan obtained on my vehicle.



  • 1st scan log.txt
    16.4 KB · Views: 16

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If you’re replacing a module, more than likely you’re going to need IDS and program with it As-Built data from Ford.

If you’re replacing a module, more than likely you’re going to need IDS and program with it As-Built data from Ford.
I believe Forscan supports module programming now.

Do you know what I should look for in for scan to reprogram the module?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Was this a used module and do you know which year Explorer it came from? I read they are no longer available from Ford.


Do you know what I should look for in for scan to reprogram the module?
In the Service Procedures Tab (The wrench Icon) on the left margin of Forscan locate the FCIM Module reset and run the process with the (play button)

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Was this a used module and do you know which year Explorer it came from? I read they are no longer available from Ford.

Problem resolve it was a blown . Some research showed I was looking at the wrong fuse. It was fuse 15 for anyone that may have this issue in the future
