1998 Explorer 4.0 to 5.0 Upgrade | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer 4.0 to 5.0 Upgrade


July 16, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer
Well It's nearing time for school (for me anyways) and I need a working vehicle. I have a 98 Explorer with a bad idle and won't go over 35 mph. So instead of of wasting money on the 4.0, I just happen to have a 2000 Mercury Mountaineer parts truck for my other Mountaineer. It has the 5.0l. I have done some research and it seems that the engine wiring harness for the 5.0 will plug up to the 4.0 engine-to-dash wiring harness. There has been several people that I have mentioned this too but they say it's not possible. But anything is possible if you have enough money. What I wan't to know is will the engine mounts and wiring harness fit? Or will there have to be some or a lot of splicing to do with the wires. This question is for those who have doe the swap; approximately how long will it take without rebuilding the engine, just taking the old 1 out and putting the new 1 in? Also if there is anything else I need other than the engine, tranny, all the wiring, and ecu (also is the tcm part of the ecu or a separate device?) please mention it.

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It has no tcm its all in the pcm. I am pretty sure you need tcase and drive shafts as the trans is different lengths. Also the 5.0 is awd you need the gem module ( to the left of the radio). Also exhaust is different back to the muffler. Im sure it can be done Ive never done it. I wouldnt even attempt it without a donor veh. Which you have. Way too many differences between them. If you need wiring diagrams let me know. I have put 5.0 in rangers with a t5 so I'm sure you can do it.

here is a rough list of what you will need

transfer case
drive shafts
rad/condenser ***update, 4L SOHC rad/condenser will work***
a/c lines
power steering lines, and cooler
motor harness, and wiring from alt to battery ***update, 4L underhood body harness will mate to 5L motor harness, however, oil gauge wire, and a/c wires need to be modified to work***
throttle cable
trans shifter cable (not sure if i will need it, but hey) ***update, 5r55e cable will work***
air filter box ***update 4L SOHC box, and sensor will work***
fuel pump (not sure if needed but.....) ***update, 4L SOHC pump will work***
key ring around ignition cylinder, and ignition cylinder
cruise motor with cable
evap lines

now here is where the kick in the nuts happens for you. your truck runs what is called a return fuel system (does what it says, returns unused fuel back to the tank). the 00 is a return system (it uses the fuel that is supplied to the motor). that will be your first problem in using what you have. the next problem will be is there are differences in the wiring. some pins in the connectors will plug into each other, but the may go to different places do to differences in years. what you may do is get a ford cd and repin the connectors.
this is why it is best to get the same year of donor truck as the truck you are doing the swap into. now, lets say you do have matching year trucks, you have the donor stripped of everything you need, and ready to go, everything can be swapped in around a week and a haft to 2 weeks depending on your skill. if you have never pulled a motor out of one of these, it will take longer for you to do.
hope this helps you out.

if you want, click on my registry, and start looking around page 9 or 10. thats where the 5L swap starts


key ring around ignition cylinder, and ignition cylinder

the next problem will be is there are differences in the wiring. some pins in the connectors will plug into each other, but the may go to different places do to differences in years. what you may do is get a ford cd and repin the connectors.
this is why it is best to get the same year of donor truck as the truck you are doing the swap into.

Where is the pats module located?

I had to use that in my other Mountaineer, so I will have to take it to the dealership and have it reprogrammed, because the anti-theft has already been tripped on the computer.

Well I already have the motor but what if I got the wire harness from a 98 explorer? Would I still have to do some rewiring? And also what ford cd are you talking about?


key ring around ignition cylinder, and ignition cylinder

the next problem will be is there are differences in the wiring. some pins in the connectors will plug into each other, but the may go to different places do to differences in years. what you may do is get a ford cd and repin the connectors.
this is why it is best to get the same year of donor truck as the truck you are doing the swap into.

Where is the pats module located?

I had to use that in my other Mountaineer, so I will have to take it to the dealership and have it reprogrammed anyways, because the anti-theft has already been tripped on the computer.

Well I already have the motor but what if I got the wire harness from a 98 explorer? Would I still have to do some rewiring? And also what ford cd are you talking about?

oops my internet bugged out, how to I delete the extra post?

why would you need the pats module ring and key is it because the other veh doesn't have pats at all?

why would you need the pats module ring and key is it because the other veh doesn't have pats at all?

it does, I was thinking about that and I won't bother replacing them, I will just let ford reprogram the computer, as for the wiring, I need to find out, because my dad doesn't like the idea of rewiring, he just wants to keep it as simple as possible because I only have till Aug 20 to get this done.

Ok Im not debating it just wondering why. It is possible the pats module from a different year wont communicate with a pcm from a dif year. Only someone who has tried it could answer that. Module swapping on newer cars doesnt always go so well.

the pats module has to match both the pcm, ignition key, and the ring in the steering column, or the computer will think someone is trying to steal the truck, and not fire the injectors. using those parts is a cheaper way to go unless you want to take it to ford, and have them reprogram it, or you buy something like a sct tuner and have them program the pats out of the system. as for everything else, look in the thread. its all there.

Ok sounds logical like I said module swapping usually doesnt end well. Not sure the ring is necessary its only an antenna and doesnt hold any programming. But its probably easier to do it all and be safe.

module swapping usually doesnt end well.

IDK, i used the gem, pats, computer, and ring out of my donor truck in my swap. never had any problems. you may be correct on the ring however, but i thought i saw someone say you needed it someplace. it was there, so i figured i would use it.

The PATS module is physically located behind the glove box and is situated electrically between the key ring and the PCM. Best I can tell neither the key ring or the module is programmed or matched to the system but is only a signal converter. The key recognition appears to be in the PCM software. In my scramble to get my swap working I ended up with an Explorer module that I do not need. Free for postage.

No one that I met in a Ford shirt could even spell PATS much less turn it off.

Well now that I got that figured out all I need to know is this: Since the engine wiring loom from the 200 may not all work with the 98, can i get 1 from a 98 explorer without having to get the engine too? or would it be wiser to replace the wiring harness under the dash too? Because I want to use the display that is in the console that goes with the v8, but it didn't come with the v6 so there is are no wires for that either. I might do just that.

here is a rough list of what you will need

transfer case
drive shafts
rad/condenser ***update, 4L SOHC rad/condenser will work***
a/c lines
power steering lines, and cooler
motor harness, and wiring from alt to battery ***update, 4L underhood body harness will mate to 5L motor harness, however, oil gauge wire, and a/c wires need to be modified to work***
throttle cable
trans shifter cable (not sure if i will need it, but hey) ***update, 5r55e cable will work***
air filter box ***update 4L SOHC box, and sensor will work***
fuel pump (not sure if needed but.....) ***update, 4L SOHC pump will work***
key ring around ignition cylinder, and ignition cylinder
cruise motor with cable
evap lines

now here is where the kick in the nuts happens for you. your truck runs what is called a return fuel system (does what it says, returns unused fuel back to the tank). the 00 is a return system (it uses the fuel that is supplied to the motor). that will be your first problem in using what you have. the next problem will be is there are differences in the wiring. some pins in the connectors will plug into each other, but the may go to different places do to differences in years. what you may do is get a ford cd and repin the connectors.
this is why it is best to get the same year of donor truck as the truck you are doing the swap into. now, lets say you do have matching year trucks, you have the donor stripped of everything you need, and ready to go, everything can be swapped in around a week and a haft to 2 weeks depending on your skill. if you have never pulled a motor out of one of these, it will take longer for you to do.
hope this helps you out.

if you want, click on my registry, and start looking around page 9 or 10. thats where the 5L swap starts
