2000 Eddie Bauer - need 2 OEM chipped keys cut (Masters) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000 Eddie Bauer - need 2 OEM chipped keys cut (Masters)


Elite Explorer
June 2, 2000
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'05 Sport Trac Adrenalin
ZERO luck locally, sourced Stratec keys from Amazon.
Programmed to vehicle, using an unchipped key to cycle the ignition.
Brought in for cut 2x - still fails to roll the cylinder.
Anyone have a lead on a reputable locksmith online that goes by key code? (verified by locksmith and the wafers in the ignition)

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Maybe this info from @Turdle might be helpful…


Already did all that, just need 2 OEM chipped keys cut from my code (wafers).

Looking at "FasterAutoKeys[.]com"

Ordered from them last night after 2 locksmiths and 1 dealer ghosted me, order marked as cut and ready to ship this afternoon!

Ordered from them last night after 2 locksmiths and 1 dealer ghosted me, order marked as cut and ready to ship this afternoon!
Do you have an original chip key? If so break it so you can get at the chip and stick to the bottom of the tumbler than go get to non chip keys made.

Salvaged title, the ONE working key got packed in a move during a short sale.

But I also have access to SCT Advantage III software, so I can disable PATS.
But I prefer to keep PATS enabled.

We are up to 6 failed keys - mostly cut issues.
Trying another option.

Geeze what is the deal? The cut keys won’t turn the ignition cylinder? Do they work in the door?

So you have 6 chipped keys that are programmed but don't turn the ignition cylinder and 1 unchipped key that does.

Put the unchipped key in the ignition and place a chipped key next to it. The car should start. (You might have to move the chipped key around)

Get a digital caliper and measure the depths of all 8 cuts on the unchipped key. Measure the 6 new keys and compare.

If they are off, find a new locksmith.

I have an OEM cylinder kit that Turdle used, if interested PM me…
