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2002 Sport Trac

Post number 28 has been selected as best answered.

So, after the week of working away from home I get home and installed the Ford plug wires. Definitely made a difference and noticeable click when pushing onto the plugs. I definitely have more performance but the I still have the P0303 misfire. So, I guess I'm ordering a new injector.

Should I get just one or all six?

On a bad luck note, I was mowing the yard and while doing the side yard the mower kicked up a couple of stones/pebbles and I thought I need to be careful because I was right next to the camper shell. Low and behold, some little pebble had a better idea and I saw fly right out of the mower and hit the driver window on the ST. "POP" said a few choice words and continued to mow. Went to the backyard and started to mow on the other side of the fence from where the camper shell was and noticed that it had a broken window as well. WTF!!! Double Whammy.

Just when you get ahead and start to make forward motion, life reminds you that Murphy is just snooping around the corner ready to pounce and slaps you in the face. Stupid law. Well, looks like the junkyard will be on the list for this weekend and do some window shopping.

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@dvdswan Check with Jamie on the door glass fit. @410Fortune. I have a 2002 and to me it looks like several years across many models will fit.
He is in the Idaho panhandle and has several Explorer models etc.
Greg in north Alabama.
Sometimes it's easy to forget to point the mower chute the other way.

I have a big push style string trimmer
Last year I’m weed whacking and the wife flags me down, I’m like what is so important that she would stop me in the middle of crushing weeds one of my fav past times? Well I threw a stone right through our patio glass slider door… $650 whoopsies

So now I point the machine the other direction when I’m out back…

One winter I let the snowblower get too low next to the driveway and tossed gravel into the grass. The next spring, the mower threw some of those rocks across the driveway at the house. Our vinyl siding has several holes in it now. Fortunately, only 1 rock hit the 8' picture window. I don't remember if it hit the main part of the window or one of the sliders on the side. The window is double paned and it only damaged the outer pane, so it wasn't an emergency that had to be dealt with right away. I'm glad I was the one who did it rather than the neighbor! I them picked up all the gravel I could find in the neighbor's yard before they mowed. Lesson learned!

Your camper shell is an ARE, correct? I know the shell only fits STs, but I'm wondering if the plexiglass windows are the same as those used in shells for other small trucks.

I once had a '75 F250, and bought an aluminum topper for it at an auction that started outside at dusk before moving inside. I learned 2 things from that experience. 1) Never buy anything in low light conditions. I knew the back window was missing. Frame was there, just no plexiglass. I discovered later that the wood paneling on the inside was shot. Not a dealbreaker, but I was disappointed I hadn't seen it in the fading light at the auction. 2) Having a plexiglass window cut was more expensive than I expected. I think I paid $35 for the topper and $50 for the back window - 40+ years ago.

I cut plexiglass windows all the time! Vibrating multi tool goes right through it without cracking if you are careful

I can measure the window on my are topper if you need!

@410Fortune @dvdswan I think that dvdswan broke his driver's door glass on his 2002 Sport Track. Will 95 to 01 Explorer 4 dr driver's door glass fit in addition to many years of Sport Trac? Front door glasses only?

I believe so yes the front doors are the same

I have a gold sport trac outside she rusted out and she is headed to the big crusher in the sky eventually
I can sell parts off it but shippIng glass not gonna happen captain

I have an ARE as well. I was thinking that if I get to the salvage yard and see a truck with an ARE topper, I'd measure the windows to see if they match. Doing research to help a fellow owner, and maybe myself in the future. Since my topper hasn't been off the truck in the 12 years I've had it, the chance of breaking a window without serious damage to the truck is slim, but you never know.

I think the front glass from a Gen 2 Explorer should fit.

I'm heading to the junkyard/salvage yard/auto recycler on Friday. I was thinking the 1995-2001 explorers front window would fit. Last time I was there about 6 weeks ago they did have a ST so that might still be there too. Thank you for the heads up and ideas.

I just hate cleaning up after a broken window because you never seem to get all the glass out of the door and end up with a rattle.

There have been lots of tracs in the junk yards lately… they are having their “window”
Plenty of them reaching the 250-300k mile range and rust is winning so off to the junk yards they go

The front doors are same as gen ii explorer heck even gen I glass will work
