2011+ - 5th Gen Ford Explorer Photo Contest Submissions | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2011+ - 5th Gen Ford Explorer Photo Contest Submissions

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Tug of War...(3rd pic.)


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Big Blue


  • IMG_2389.JPG
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  • IMG_2383.JPG
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finally...I was about to ask if I was the only one with a blue explorer...

finally...I was about to ask if I was the only one with a blue explorer...

The few, The Proud, The Unique... LOL!




Still love the paint job Baxtor, next thing to do, on the list

Looks great. Can I ask where you got that done and how much the cost was?

I'm really liking the pics in this thread, some fine looking vehicles on the road with proud owners!

One small suggestion, when replying to posts with photos, could you please not repost the pictures in the quote...it makes this thread a bear to look at on anything that is not a real computer :) Thanks!

Sorry Vince forget that sometimes.

My second Submission


:) No worries! I've done it before and had to go back and edit a good number of my posts, lol.

Happy driving.

One day left to get your submissions in. I will announce the winners on Thursday:chug:

in no particular order, my top three choices would be 2TimingTom, baxterdown, and Sharin and most importantly, Spengracin!

Still love the paint job Baxtor, next thing to do, on the list

Took me a bit to realize what "paint" job you were talking about. I knew something was different, just couldn't put my finger on it. I LOVE IT!

cnsheets; where's the love, i think my ex is nice, very classy!, I guess I should have showed off the Pecan interior too!

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