2013 explorer turn signal/hazard light not working on drivers side | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 explorer turn signal/hazard light not working on drivers side


New Member
May 8, 2024
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Simcoe ontario
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 explorer limited
My 2013 explorer is having an issue, tge driver side turn signal isn't working and neither is the hazard light function.

I've probed the socket with a test light with no luck.
I tested the wires leading to to socket with a multi meter and it seems that there is no power going to socket.
The ground at the socket showed 12 volts

Fuses are good under dash
Swapped relays around under hood with no luck
If I probe the relay socket with test light and turn on signal the test light flashes

What do I check next? I've been messing with this for a couple months with no real progress, anyone have this issue?

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It could be a broken wire since the relay flashes and fuses are good.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It could be a broken wire since the relay flashes and fuses are good.

Thanks for reply! That's what I'm leaning towards. My guess is somewhere between the relay and socket. Now just to find it in a mess of wires lol

I'm not seeing any relays involved in that, just fet transistor switching in the BCM. Anyway, I've attached the '14 wiring diagram for that, hope it helps.


  • Turn Signal_Stop_Hazard Lamps.pdf
    609.9 KB · Views: 18

I'm not seeing any relays involved in that, just fet transistor switching in the BCM. Anyway, I've attached the '14 wiring diagram for that, hope it helps.
Thankyou! I wish I could find the ground g103. It says it's near the front left of vehicle but if I click on the show/hide location diagram nothing comes up

^ Yeah, it wouldn't work in the PDF but the copy of the workshop manual it came from, has a bug where that doesn't work either, doesn't show the image or label for G103, just has the text "G103 Engine compartment, LH side, front corner".

However if you want to determine if that ground is good, then since it comes from the #1 pin of the left headlamp assembly (aka Turn/Park Side Marker), just use a multimeter set to (low ohms) resistance mode, other multimeter probe on any bare metal part of the chassis. Typical ford resistance spec is that under 5 ohms is good but should really be even closer to 0 ohms as long as the multimeter is in good working order.
