2022 Explorer Paint Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2022 Explorer Paint Issue


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August 26, 2023
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Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Explorer XLT
I recently purchased a 2022 XLT and have roughly 16k miles left on factory warranty. Today while cleaning the car I noticed a very large noticeable paint run on the roof between the sunroof and windshield. Would this be covered under the factory warranty or should I expect a fight with ford on this.




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I would expect it to be covered, but I would be worried about the repair. To get that out they would need to sand through the clearcoat and paint, repaint so that the metallic doesn't look "weird" after sanding, and then clear coat. It's hard to blend clear coat and they usually like to cover an entire panel so there are not any halos where the new clear meets the old clear.

If I had noticed that prior to purchasing the car, I would not have bought it. But given what they would have to do to "fix" it, I would leave it as is and have the dealer note it as a warranty issue in case something happens later.

No way would I get that "fixed". It's in a spot no one but you will notice and the "fix" may end up worse than leaving it.

I recently purchased a 2022 XLT and have roughly 16k miles left on factory warranty. Today while cleaning the car I noticed a very large noticeable paint run on the roof between the sunroof and windshield. Would this be covered under the factory warranty or should I expect a fight with ford on this.
Welcome to the Forum Scott. :wave:
I have a feeling that you will be out of luck in getting this covered under the warranty. Items like this would have been covered if the original owner reported these 'defects' to the dealership within a week of taking ownership as stated in the Warranty Guide. It won't hurt to ask if you decide to get these defects repaired.


No way would I get that "fixed". It's in a spot no one but you will notice and the "fix" may end up worse than leaving it.
I'd tend to agree. The only think I would approve of is sanding the run smooth, and re-clearing over it.
