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2023 Explorer Timberline Rattle

I’ve been waiting a month for struts. Who did you initiate buyback conversation with? Ford Motor Customer Service?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
If the only reason you are looking for a buyback is because of a delay in getting parts, I doubt you will succeed.


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Agreed, but initiating is the impetus to get Ford off their ass and go to Chicago Assembly to get them for his vehicle. It won't hurt his case to start the process.

I doubt that the parts would be available from CAP. They are more likely ordered from a supplier to Ford. Parts shortages are today's 'way of life'. It's not just the auto manufacturing business that is affected by it.


All I know is when I started the buy back, suddenly the part became available... coincidence? Maybe, but in my case, it worked.

I’m having the same issue with my 23 King Ranch. Took it to the dealer couple weeks ago. They thought it was the trim piece around the windshield driver side, Surprise surprise that did not fix it, but it was lose. I live in a small town don’t have much faith in the local dealer. Been thinking about attaching a GoPro under the hood when the snow melts. See if I can have luck tracking it down. it doesn’t seem directly suspension related. I found four of the little plastic pushpins missing three on the trim over the wheel opening, one under the hood that holds the windshield washer reservoir in place.

Well here it goes. I've used these forums many times in my life, but never added to them-or even created an account as far as that goes, but I just created an account solely for this post.

My wife and I have been considering a SUV for a few years now and last September we finally bit the bullet and bought a '23 explorer timberline. Love the looks, performance, and am a Ford fan in general.
-However- ever since new, it's had a chatter/clunking/rattle in the front left corner. Very annoying in a brand new ride. We took it back and they said they ordered parts. Parts came in and they replaced the left front knuckle assembly and lower ball joint/control arm assembly(quite a bit of $). Not fixed. Took it back and was told the part was ordered and on backorder. I planned to make a trip to AL and didn't feel safe to make the journey with this issue. Not looking for something to come apart going down the highway with my family on board. Called my local ford dealer(Hagerstown Ford) and my wife had to fight and fight for a loaner. Finally they placed us into a 2023 XLT with 70few miles on it. 21 or so days later we get a call that the vehicle is on its way back to us fixed(they replaced the front drivers side strut mount). We had a coupon for car wash and asked them to do that before we got it back and they said they would. However when they dropped it off, it looked like it'd been through the war! Water trails all over the windows and looked like a child had put finger marks all over the wheels and body in the dust, passenger headlight($1900) had condensation in it, and worst of all the noise was still there. I immediately drove it to the dealer and of course no noise this random time all the way there and the condensation evaporated out of the light by the time I arrived. When I got there, I showed the sales manager how my vehicle was returned to me and explained the whole story up to this point. I told him I wasn't going to return the vehicle at this point for the noise because for whatever reason it didn't make it coming this trip. He saw the wash job and was disgusted with it himself and, even though that wasn't the main reason I drove it back, he wanted to make that right and gave it a full detail while I waited. I shook his hand for that and left.

The next day it was back to the normal chatter so we called in and they said it'd be a couple days before the loaner was back so we waited and they swapped them out once again. I went ahead and called Ford Customer Service and asked them what to do and they suggested for me to start and money-back claim, so I did. The ford dealer called us and said it was done. When we questioned the repairs made, they said they "tightened some stuff up". Wow--Okay. My wife told them she wasn't giving up the loaner that was so hard for them to give us until she'd verified the repairs herself and headed to the dealer.

-Still clunking.-

She took the tech for a ride and he agreed with her that yes it most certainly had a chatter in that area and he wished he could fix it but just couldn't find it. Unacceptable. 3 hours she spent arguing with the techs, manager, and general manager(all the while I'm at home caring for our daughter instead of making my income from my repair shop that I own behind my house). At one point she went out into the loaner to call me to ask me a question and they removed the plates while she was sitting in it lol. The tech asked her also "Well what does your husband think it is?" Why would they ask that? Im not a certified ford tech! Yes I'm a mechanic but why should I be diagnosing my brand new vehicle?????

She was told that, although they heard the issue, they deemed it safe and needed their rental back. I told her to get that in writing and have them sign it. She did and headed back home.

Complexly and utterly annoyed, I googled "2023 Explorer Chatter" and what came up? This forum.
I went out to my shop, put it on my lift, checked the rack and found a pronounced clunking on the drivers side of my steering rack and none at all one the passenger side. Wow, found the issue in the first minute of looking. Also I found they had #1 damaged my drivers side body by lifting it at the wrong spot, #2 damaged my drivers side front brake backing plate by bending part of it out of the way like it was some piece of junk beater car to make it easier for them to access a nut when they has change out the knuckle/control arm, #3 bent my body trim on the passenger side while lifting it with their jack.

Now I'm just simply mortified and confused as to what to do. I want the issue fixed and I want what they damaged fixed, but, quite frankly, I don't trust their techs any further than I could throw them.... Honestly at this point, I just want to be placed in another identical timberline(I still like this SUV) and never use my local dealer(again, Hagerstown Ford) and just use another more trusted dealer that I hear wonderful things about only 30 min away.

Has anyone gotten the buy back program carried out yet?
Has anyone gotten this issue resolved yet?






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So, latest update is my Timberline is still rattle free....Ford sent me a "loyalty card" (aka, debit card) as a way to show their appreciation for me being a loyal Ford customer (and shareholder). I used it to order my "off road" light kit from Blue Oval Industries. Just a note, that trying to buy something on a website with a debit card is a royal P.I.T.A. so I instead, added the debit card to my PayPal account and bought it through them. When I get them in and installed, I will share photos.

Yeah, that is really weird. The Chicago plant isn't known as the most efficient quality control unit. My wife has had out 23 Timberline over a year now and with 30k miles on it. Runs awesome so I am wondering if this effected fall of 23 produced Timberlines?

The only thing we have had to do is replace the window switch when the passenger side rear window went down and would not roll back up. They replaced the motor and a switch and have not had an issue since then. The timberline is an awesome off road vehicle, very capable as we found out during snow and ice. It does as well or better than my TRD offroad Tundra.

Hope ford makes it right for you all,

Yeah, that is really weird. The Chicago plant isn't known as the most efficient quality control unit. My wife has had out 23 Timberline over a year now and with 30k miles on it. Runs awesome so I am wondering if this effected fall of 23 produced Timberlines?

The only thing we have had to do is replace the window switch when the passenger side rear window went down and would not roll back up. They replaced the motor and a switch and have not had an issue since then. The timberline is an awesome off road vehicle, very capable as we found out during snow and ice. It does as well or better than my TRD offroad Tundra.

Hope ford makes it right for you all,

Ford made it right for me and I am enjoying my Timberline immensely.

So, the off-road lights showed up this week - today was installation. Super easy for sure and love the look.

Well here it goes. I've used these forums many times in my life, but never added to them-or even created an account as far as that goes, but I just created an account solely for this post.

My wife and I have been considering a SUV for a few years now and last September we finally bit the bullet and bought a '23 explorer timberline. Love the looks, performance, and am a Ford fan in general.
-However- ever since new, it's had a chatter/clunking/rattle in the front left corner. Very annoying in a brand new ride. We took it back and they said they ordered parts. Parts came in and they replaced the left front knuckle assembly and lower ball joint/control arm assembly(quite a bit of $). Not fixed. Took it back and was told the part was ordered and on backorder. I planned to make a trip to AL and didn't feel safe to make the journey with this issue. Not looking for something to come apart going down the highway with my family on board. Called my local ford dealer(Hagerstown Ford) and my wife had to fight and fight for a loaner. Finally they placed us into a 2023 XLT with 70few miles on it. 21 or so days later we get a call that the vehicle is on its way back to us fixed(they replaced the front drivers side strut mount). We had a coupon for car wash and asked them to do that before we got it back and they said they would. However when they dropped it off, it looked like it'd been through the war! Water trails all over the windows and looked like a child had put finger marks all over the wheels and body in the dust, passenger headlight($1900) had condensation in it, and worst of all the noise was still there. I immediately drove it to the dealer and of course no noise this random time all the way there and the condensation evaporated out of the light by the time I arrived. When I got there, I showed the sales manager how my vehicle was returned to me and explained the whole story up to this point. I told him I wasn't going to return the vehicle at this point for the noise because for whatever reason it didn't make it coming this trip. He saw the wash job and was disgusted with it himself and, even though that wasn't the main reason I drove it back, he wanted to make that right and gave it a full detail while I waited. I shook his hand for that and left.

The next day it was back to the normal chatter so we called in and they said it'd be a couple days before the loaner was back so we waited and they swapped them out once again. I went ahead and called Ford Customer Service and asked them what to do and they suggested for me to start and money-back claim, so I did. The ford dealer called us and said it was done. When we questioned the repairs made, they said they "tightened some stuff up". Wow--Okay. My wife told them she wasn't giving up the loaner that was so hard for them to give us until she'd verified the repairs herself and headed to the dealer.

-Still clunking.-

She took the tech for a ride and he agreed with her that yes it most certainly had a chatter in that area and he wished he could fix it but just couldn't find it. Unacceptable. 3 hours she spent arguing with the techs, manager, and general manager(all the while I'm at home caring for our daughter instead of making my income from my repair shop that I own behind my house). At one point she went out into the loaner to call me to ask me a question and they removed the plates while she was sitting in it lol. The tech asked her also "Well what does your husband think it is?" Why would they ask that? Im not a certified ford tech! Yes I'm a mechanic but why should I be diagnosing my brand new vehicle?????

She was told that, although they heard the issue, they deemed it safe and needed their rental back. I told her to get that in writing and have them sign it. She did and headed back home.

Complexly and utterly annoyed, I googled "2023 Explorer Chatter" and what came up? This forum.
I went out to my shop, put it on my lift, checked the rack and found a pronounced clunking on the drivers side of my steering rack and none at all one the passenger side. Wow, found the issue in the first minute of looking. Also I found they had #1 damaged my drivers side body by lifting it at the wrong spot, #2 damaged my drivers side front brake backing plate by bending part of it out of the way like it was some piece of junk beater car to make it easier for them to access a nut when they has change out the knuckle/control arm, #3 bent my body trim on the passenger side while lifting it with their jack.

Now I'm just simply mortified and confused as to what to do. I want the issue fixed and I want what they damaged fixed, but, quite frankly, I don't trust their techs any further than I could throw them.... Honestly at this point, I just want to be placed in another identical timberline(I still like this SUV) and never use my local dealer(again, Hagerstown Ford) and just use another more trusted dealer that I hear wonderful things about only 30 min away.

Has anyone gotten the buy back program carried out yet?
Has anyone gotten this issue resolved yet?

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I feel your pain and destain for Ford ...I've owned over 25 new Fords since 1975. The last POS I bought was the most expensive. I'd have dreams of parking it down the street from the migrant shelter with the keys in it.

New to the forums here...on a few other Ford centric forums (Bronco6G, BlueOvalNews) just traded my 2022 Bronco Black Diamond for a 2023 Explorer Timberline....love the ride, but one small issue. About a week after purchase (Nov. 2023) began getting a knocking/rattle noise from left front of vehicle. Dealer diagnosed "out of spec" inner tie rod, then discovered play in rack after replacement. New rack installed and off I go...two weeks later, knock/rattle returns...back to dealer this Monday past (BTW, both times, dealer gave me a new TImberline loaner) and diagnosis shows, replacement rack is bad...new one ordered and will be in Thursday...off to a rocky start, but I really like the Timberline...
Does your Timberline rattle as well?
Okay, so this is interesting. I have a 2021 Explorer AND a 2023 Timberline that has this rattle. Here's the thing though, it appears to be coming from just behind the drivers seat area, but really sounds outside under the car. I'm going to check all the attachments for the under car liners. It's also speed sensitive.

Okay, so this is interesting. I have a 2021 Explorer AND a 2023 Timberline that has this rattle. Here's the thing though, it appears to be coming from just behind the drivers seat area, but really sounds outside under the car. I'm going to check all the attachments for the under car liners. It's also speed sensitive.
Mine was speed sensitive as well....you would hear it driving through a parking lot, or in the driveway, but on the road or highway, no noise.

Glad to hear everyone is satisfied with their timberlines if there’s not clunking because we are going with the replacement deal. Hopeful next week things will finally be in order to settle up. Ford is putting us in another identical timberline except a year newer (2024) and with a sunroof. We just have to cover the different of cost for the sunroof and they aren’t charging us anything for the 6500> miles we’ve put on the current one AND are letting us move our off road grille lights to the new one. I’m happy with FoMoCo customer service but will never take service to my local dealer again. I’m relieved to have my faith restored in ford…

I feel your pain and destain for Ford ...I've owned over 25 new Fords since 1975. The last POS I bought was the most expensive. I'd have dreams of parking it down the street from the migrant shelter with the keys in it.
Ha! I bet!
