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2023, or wait for 2024 ST?


Elite Explorer
December 30, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2019 Explorer Sport
I have a 2023 ST on order. It's a fleet vehicle, so they are telling me the build won't start until August. Likely take delivery in late September, early October.

With this news, I'm inclined to just order a 2024 as I feel like they will be available around the same time. I know they are being redesigned; and, this is a fleet car for me. So, I worry about early year bugs, but it's not on my dime. It IS on my time, so aware of that 'mouse trap.' Wouldn't abuse that situation; but, also not as concerned with it. Also, the price change is likely not that much between the 23 and 24. Another issue that I'm not all that worried about. Maybe I am wrong with my 'cost assumption....?"

Anyone else have an experience with this situation? Thoughts on how best to handle?

Thank you!

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imo it depends on what will change for '24. if there is some change you really like (ie mo papa babeh), then maybe it may be worth the risk of extra issues for that. but if its nominal stuff that you dont care so much about, then stick with what ya got, since it seems lately ford has been taking a bit to iron out the bugs. however, not all post redesign years are bad. my aunt had a '95 2wd X, very very very reliable, this X was the year of th amid cycle refresh, single handedly most reliable vehicle in this fleet, or my dad got a celica on the redesign year (but ig with the 22r. hard not to be reliable), so idk. it really is up to you ;) you seem to be quite aware of the risk, so no one can answer this question except you ;)

I have a 2023 ST on order. It's a fleet vehicle, so they are telling me the build won't start until August. Likely take delivery in late September, early October.

With this news, I'm inclined to just order a 2024 as I feel like they will be available around the same time. I know they are being redesigned; and, this is a fleet car for me. So, I worry about early year bugs, but it's not on my dime. It IS on my time, so aware of that 'mouse trap.' Wouldn't abuse that situation; but, also not as concerned with it. Also, the price change is likely not that much between the 23 and 24. Another issue that I'm not all that worried about. Maybe I am wrong with my 'cost assumption....?"

Anyone else have an experience with this situation? Thoughts on how best to handle?

Thank you!
If the report is accurate about the possibility of incorporating the rear look of the Chinese Explorer then you may get something like this.


Eek, I'll keep & be happy with my 20 for now.
I'm sure the USDM version will have variation, as we never seem to get the same as the 'global' models, most of the time.

I would argue waiting for the 24, the changes are mostly cosmetic on the outside and internally the interior will be much higher tech. Just the fact you wont get SYNC3 is enough for me. Build quality will remain an issue though so you're not wrong there.

Good intel here. I don't mind the rear of the 2024. Waiting on my dealer to give me more details on the new model, while I keep my 2023 ordered. I'm quite sure he can sell it, on his lot, should I decide against it...

Good intel here. I don't mind the rear of the 2024. Waiting on my dealer to give me more details on the new model, while I keep my 2023 ordered. I'm quite sure he can sell it, on his lot, should I decide against it...
I like the rear of the Chinese model. As for waiting for info from the dealer on details on the 2024, it has been my experience that they sometimes are the last ones to know about new models. :)


I have a 2023 ST on order. It's a fleet vehicle, so they are telling me the build won't start until August. Likely take delivery in late September, early October.

With this news, I'm inclined to just order a 2024 as I feel like they will be available around the same time. I know they are being redesigned; and, this is a fleet car for me. So, I worry about early year bugs, but it's not on my dime. It IS on my time, so aware of that 'mouse trap.' Wouldn't abuse that situation; but, also not as concerned with it. Also, the price change is likely not that much between the 23 and 24. Another issue that I'm not all that worried about. Maybe I am wrong with my 'cost assumption....?"

Anyone else have an experience with this situation? Thoughts on how best to handle?

Thank you!
My wife is purchasing agent with a Feds Dept.
Just ordered 10 Hybrid Explorers.
Not sure which Ops are with them, but similar to an XLT , they cost 47 k after dealer prep

From what I've read and been told, the 2024 Explorer will be a carry-over from the 2023 Explorer with any updates/changes carried to the 2025 model year. Production will begin in January and run for only 2 months. The only change will be to the VIN to indicate it's a 2024 model. I believe this short run with no updates is due to the number of 2023 Explorers that were delayed in delivery due to the 360-degree camera recall.


The big change for the 25 model year is not just the front/rear clips but the interior is all new, at least the IP is. The SYNC3 nightmare is over and the Google based system is installed on a bigger screen. The wireless charger actually accepts a large phone now and doesnt let the phone fall forward upon braking. I saw the ST wheels they aren't black anymore they are dark gray, honestly not a fan. I will never understand the marketing behind that, people love black wheels. At this point Im not interested until QC is fixed.

The big change for the 25 model year is not just the front/rear clips but the interior is all new, at least the IP is. The SYNC3 nightmare is over and the Google based system is installed on a bigger screen. The wireless charger actually accepts a large phone now and doesnt let the phone fall forward upon braking. I saw the ST wheels they aren't black anymore they are dark gray, honestly not a fan. I will never understand the marketing behind that, people love black wheels. At this point Im not interested until QC is fixed.
Are we sure it's going to be the new Google-based software? Nothing I've read confirms it for sure. It seems it could still be Sync 4A

Are we sure it's going to be the new Google-based software? Nothing I've read confirms it for sure. It seems it could still be Sync 4A

Nothing concrete just Ford Engineering people telling me thats whats coming......the 23 GM trucks have that new Google system its not bad, I just hate Google having so much control. Its a paid subscription based system, you log in with the Google account.

Nothing concrete just Ford Engineering people telling me thats whats coming......the 23 GM trucks have that new Google system its not bad, I just hate Google having so much control. Its a paid subscription based system, you log in with the Google account.
Subscription makes sense if they're giving you live search and information (similar to the old XM traffic and weather subscriptions). But I don't know why anyone would go for that unless they're just dead set against Carplay and Android Auto.

Subscription makes sense if they're giving you live search and information (similar to the old XM traffic and weather subscriptions). But I don't know why anyone would go for that unless they're just dead set against Carplay and Android Auto.

CarPlay and Android Auto are great but I still find the mapping doesnt have some of basic functionality that the OEM mapping does, or I just cant find it. i.e. I prefer 3D bird's eye view of my map when moving as it provides the best most realistic view of what's outside, my Apple CarPlay doesn't do it. You get the 3D icon in corner of screen but nothing changes in the map view. There are a few other issues I just cant have while driving.

If you have no OEM navigation then AA or ACP is great.

CarPlay and Android Auto are great but I still find the mapping doesnt have some of basic functionality that the OEM mapping does, or I just cant find it. i.e. I prefer 3D bird's eye view of my map when moving as it provides the best most realistic view of what's outside, my Apple CarPlay doesn't do it. You get the 3D icon in corner of screen but nothing changes in the map view. There are a few other issues I just cant have while driving.

If you have no OEM navigation then AA or ACP is great.
I'm an AA user & run Waze, which does a pretty good 3D view.
Have only used ACP & Apple Maps a couple times when my wife's phone is hooked to the Expedition before I can load AA.
Between Waze, Google Maps, factory NAV & Apple Maps, I'd put Apple last, below factory NAV, didn't care for it.
