2025 Explorer Review by Blwnsmoke | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2025 Explorer Review by Blwnsmoke

Thanks! Makes sense! For sure a good spot for a speaker… I do like the smooth dash top! There do not have a heads up display on the windshield do they?
The speakers go completely across the dash, it's a soundbar.

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The speakers go completely across the dash, it's a soundbar.
Soundbar. Sweet. But I don't care for the iPad screen or any "tombstone" screen. I was expecting for the U.S. models by now to have the screen, dash and interior the China models have. Or was this a farce? (pic below).

The '25 overall looks great and I like it, but I love our '21 LTD 4WD and don't see enough of a difference to trade up just yet.

2022 article - Look At How Much Nicer China's Ford Explorer Is - The Autopian

Soundbar. Sweet. But I don't care for the iPad screen or any "tombstone" screen. I was expecting for the U.S. models by now to have the screen, dash and interior the China models have. Or was this a farce? (pic below).

The '25 overall looks great and I like it, but I love our '21 LTD 4WD and don't see enough of a difference to trade up just yet.

2022 article - Look At How Much Nicer China's Ford Explorer Is - The Autopian
View attachment 450554
I agree. Seeing it in person, sitting in it etc, the interior is definitely an upgrade and the exterior looks better in person then in pics.

But with 1 year till my Ex is paid off and a 8/150k warranty, I'm definitely not starting over with what the 25 offers.

New Ecoboost 2.3, same as the 2024 Mustang?


Has anyone else noticed it?

Any speculation as to what the off-road model will be? We currently have a 13 sport my wife didn’t like the 20 ST when we drove it but likes the timberline. Curious if the timberline will reman or if they’ll expand the raptor label?

Any speculation as to what the off-road model will be? We currently have a 13 sport my wife didn’t like the 20 ST when we drove it but likes the timberline. Curious if the timberline will reman or if they’ll expand the raptor label?

From what I understand the Timberline will be continued.

Thanks! Makes sense! For sure a good spot for a speaker… I do like the smooth dash top! There do not have a heads up display on the windshield do they?
When I bought my 2020 Explorer ST I asked the the sales manager about the heads up display. He told me that Explorer is more performance based then luxury or comport based and that heads up displays are more common in luxury cars like BMW X5's or similar. I am just glad that the new XP does not have that vertical screen but the black bezels are still there on the edges.

And I already gave up in regards to a manufacturer painting those black plastic fenders on our 60K car. It would be just too expensive for Ford.

When I bought my 2020 Explorer ST I asked the the sales manager about the heads up display. He told me that Explorer is more performance based then luxury or comport based and that heads up displays are more common in luxury cars like BMW X5's or similar. I am just glad that the new XP does not have that vertical screen but the black bezels are still there on the edges.

And I already gave up in regards to a manufacturer painting those black plastic fenders on our 60K car. It would be just too expensive for Ford.
My 2023 Aviator is the first vehicle I've had that has the HUD. My 2020 did not. I like it and I'm sure I'll miss it on the next vehicle seeing as how Ford seems to be deleting that feature on newer vehicles.


Keypad on the door deleted :(. What a stupid move for one of the best features ever on a vehicle though Ford has been slowly removing them from other models. Can still get the 'stick-on' keypad but integrated is far superior.

Keypad on the door deleted :(. What a stupid move for one of the best features ever on a vehicle though Ford has been slowly removing them from other models. Can still get the 'stick-on' keypad but integrated is far superior.
The Securicode pad was handy for those wanting to lock the key inside the vehicle without having to use a 2nd keyfob. I wonder if that feature of being able to lock your key inside is now gone?

