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2nd gen homemade lift kit idea

the internet is filled with answers and ideas.................. just some stick more than others... and some cost more (usually those 2 go hand in hand)
The saying in racing: Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go? Same with rock crawling: Capability costs money. How far up that vertical wall do you want to climb?

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The saying in racing: Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go? Same with rock crawling: Capability costs money. How far up that vertical wall do you want to climb?

Speed does cost money
I saved lots by planning out everything very carefully

@ahuggins6 As the others have mentioned, such drop kits already exist. Basically what that means is that you're not paving any new roads here - it's already the best known method to lift these particular IFS setups. I would suggest considering a coilover setup if you go higher than about 3" due to the necessity of the torsion bar drop bracket; you end up losing a lot of breakover on the T-bar mounts. Be careful of ganrling up the frame at such an important location. Welds and quality metal are not a direct substitute for the calculations and processes used in constructing these frames. What you are doing is essentially the same as notching, and many do not appreciate the risks associated with modifying the existing frame. It can totally compromise the structure, even if it visually appears to be sound.

(I am aware that your fabricating skills are not those of a beginner; this warning is more to advise noobs who find this in a search, than for you.)

If you do it, you know what we all want... pics!
