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3/4 doors Not tube.

thanks a lot for goin over everything again.. i think im gettin the concept, but i guess it'll be hard to see for sure until i actually gut and cut.. thansk a lot. hope you'll be avaiable for ?'s down the road when i finally get around to this..
thanks again

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one afternoon with a plazma cutter....

i know this is a dead post but what do you guys do when it rains? i've seen the jeep safari doors before but i see no place for something like that to snap in

i know this is a dead post but what do you guys do when it rains? i've seen the jeep safari doors before but i see no place for something like that to snap in

This: (Not a great photo, but if you live somewhere were boating is popular, a canvas shop can set you up). . .


  • Snow.JPG
    66.4 KB · Views: 781

I love this mod and since I have a 2nd set of sport doors I think it will be done :)

Saw this thread a while ago, really dig the idea. Might do this for Zoey Jane, think the front two doors it would look sick on. Drivers being the most practical, my question is how bad would it be to have 3/4 doors and swap em every spring and fall. I work outdoors and getting older now and hate the cold more and more, so putting the stock doors on would be part of the process. Plan on grabbing two doors from the junk yard and trying this out.
