33's on 3 inch lift | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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33's on 3 inch lift


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July 1, 2005
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Pine Mountain Club, CA
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1998 XLT
couple of questions...how much trimming would be required to fit 33's on 3 inches of lift? and finally, i need a new rim to fit them so i was thinking 15X8, but what would the bolt pattern, backspacing be?

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33"s might be OK with a 3 inch body lift... if not then 32's definately

15x8 5x4.5 3.75" BS is what your looking for

all these questions can be answered if you search, but.....
you should be able to fit 33's w/o trimming i assume either body lift or spindles...and if you do have to trim it will be minimal just plastic....you don't actually need a new rim.....it would probably be better but i ran 33's on a 15x7 for a little while and i know of a couple guys on this site that still run stock rims...if you do go with a 15x8 however the bolt pattern would be 5x4.5 with backspacing of whatever you want really, anywhere from 4.5-3.75"....most guys here run 3.75"

just to make a note the spindels white96x are speaking of are for the 2 wheel drive explorers

Trailmaster and superlift both specify that a 32" tall tire will fit with their 4" suspension lifts. Now think, your adding more height to the tire and taking away height from the actual lift. In my opinion, stick with 32s. But what would I know?? ;)


I have 33/12.50/15 MTRs with just a TT and some trimmin, they dont rub at all. With a 3 inch body lift you should be able to fit 33s ( you might have to do a little trimmin, just dependen on how it sits currently.


It has been said over and over that every truck is different. I have a 3'' bl
and t/t and my 32's just fit with trimming a little plastic. To fit 33's I would
have to trim metal.


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Well, the only place I rub is on my front bumper a tad. I know the bumper designs are different. But I guess you will find out what fits and what doesn't.


when i lowered my truck on 31s i dident have any rubbing. every truck is different tho..some rub some dont. i think you should be ok with 33s/3" BL. but it depends on what wheels you get(if you get aftermarket wheels) mainly what back spacing they are.

here was lowered on 31s=no rub

Ive got 33x12.50 BFG AT's with a 3inch body lift and factory 15x7 wheels. They only rub when the wheel is completely turned. Around town they dont rub at all.

Im pretty sure anywhere a 32x11.50 is gonna fit, a 33x10.50 will fit.

just go to abuddy that had some 33's on a 15x7 throw them on and see how they fit

I ran 33x12.50 muds on stock rims with just a TT and shackles for a while.

With the stock rims you will nto run the fenders but you will hit the frame some when you turn the wheel to teh locks.



go for the 33s you will be kicking yourslef in the end if you dont get them, and if they rub just trim and maybe twist the T bar a bit and youll be fine

if you do the BL and want 33s, just crank the torsion bar a lil to clear em. the torsion crank is free aside from the alignment you should do every year after you romp the truck anyway.......

If you twist you'll want to jack the rear up as well to level it out. Then you'll need to regear cause of underperformance, and blah blah blah. I learned that the hard way - a lot of $$ out the door. Anyway, the real thing about if they'll fit or not is wheels - spacing, offset, width, etc will all play an affect.


Thanks for the good advice on tire size. I am looking to get larger this spring. I already have shackles/TT. I may just go with 33s and see where it sits then go with either trimming or BL if I need it.


Thanks for the good advice on tire size. I am looking to get larger this spring. I already have shackles/TT. I may just go with 33s and see where it sits then go with either trimming or BL if I need it.

How did it go? Any pics? thanks

How did it go? Any pics? thanks
afaik it dont work. havent seen it on that one specifically, but it will rub with only shackle and tt with 33s. youd need a good deal of trimming. with a BL it works however

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