4.0 sohc...turbo or super charge? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 sohc...turbo or super charge?


August 8, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Bentonville, AR
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer Sport
ok so i dont know much about engines at all...yet. so try not to judge me by how dumb i may sound but which would be better for a 4.0 sohc, turbo or supercharger? and would twin turbo be possible?

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Anything is possible. But the real question is how much do you have to spend on this thing. You have to pay to play.

Well if you dont know much about engines then your going to have to have it done for you. Now your talking in the 2k plus range, and thats the lowest.

right now im not worried about money and ive got people that can work me thru the process. which is the best way to go for the quickest acceleration?

Honestly, what is your budget?

Its not as easy as just slapping a turbo/supercharger on your truck to make it fast, you'll never utilize the full potential of your turbo/supercharger unless you build your motor to match. But if your looking for faster acceleration i would go with a supercharger, because they don't have the dead-spot (ie turbo lag) in there power-band. thats just my 2cents, take it or leave it.

I have never worked on either a SC or TC. But physics teaches us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you add that much torque to your engine it adds it to the drive shaft, rear diff and other parts. You have to stop and think "can my truck handle that much power?". And of course there is the engine itself. An engine can only handle so much before blowing, and if your engine is not in good shape (high miles, sometimes forgot to change the oil for an extended period of time, etc.) it could be potentialy deadly.
Just my 2 cents.
As for which one ill just say what I have heard:
Superchargers= instant boost to performace
Turbocargers= delay to performance but much higher possible gains (again comes down to how much you can handle)

I wouldn't be worried about the engine taking the extra power, I would be worried about the trans.

I have had both supercharged and turbocharged vehicles. Based on our vehicle and what most of use it for, I would say go the supercharger route. There is a company that was creating an adapter plate for the eaton that was on the nissan trucks. So it wouldn't be a centrifugal supercharger sitting off to the side of the motor, it would be a roots style blower like you see on the cobra's and the Pontiac GTP's. I have the link on my work computer so I will throw it up here on Monday.

ok so i dont know much about engines at all...yet. so try not to judge me by how dumb i may sound but which would be better for a 4.0 sohc, turbo or supercharger? and would twin turbo be possible?

I prefer more the supercharger than that turbo. :D

Not trying to piss on your parade or anything but unless you plan on rebuilding the tranny, rear end, and some of the motor I wouldn't even think about adding a turbo or supercharger. Like someone before me mentioned..there's more to it than just slapping on a turbo and calling it a day. I'd be very very hard pressed to believe that a SOHC could handle that kind of power without some serious modifications to the rest of the drive line. As for TWIN turbos, you're talking about investing way more money than the truck itself is probably worth.

If you have the funds and the time to try something like that then go for it. I have a 99 SOHC and I think it would be cool to see what you can get out of a supercharger/turbo as I've thought about it myself. I have 137k on mine and the tranny already slips so an upgrade like that is outta my league..and price range :(

dude no worries. not really pissin on my parade. i love all this help and feedbackim getting! i need to know this stuff. mine has 135k on it but havent had a single problem with her. but it does scare me sometimes on what my tranny can or cant take. i almost didnt get an explorer because of it. actually almost bought a 5.0 mountaineer but decided 196k is too much for me. how much altogether do u think a supercharger would cost me and what other tweaks would be wise to make for better performance?

im just saving and then buying... piece by piece. thats my budget

T U R B O ! ! ! ! ! - T U R B O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - T U R B O ! ! ! ! ! LOL Just look at my videos on you tube l8psiexplorer or you can just type in Turbo Explorer in the search

This is my Explorer :cool:




I would not put a S/C on a sohc 4.0L with all the crank problems with the front of the crank braking off like they do. I would not put even more stress on it then it needs. that just my 2 cents lol.

This is the bottom line - Super Charger - Great Throttle Response, Great acceleration but fail in the top end. PLUS, these trucks have a HORRIBLE rep for crank issues...

The Turbo on the other hand, is probably your best bet... unless you build your motor, don't expect to put down much more than 5psi and even with that, your motor, rear and trans won't last long my friend...

So do this - Build a solid motor, get the trans built to race spec and get race spec rear gears... THEN add power-adders.

so regardless my tranny wont last long and that'll cost me several grand?:(

ok so l8psiexplorer... i have had like 8 other guys tell me supercharger is the way to go. seeing your truck it tells me that u know what ur doing. if u will i want you to rey the best you can to convince me the turbo is the only way to go. remember that what i'm wanting is FAST FAST FAST acceleration. i dont care about top speeds. and also. how much would a crank replacement cost with and without labor charge.

yikes and how much would the tranny itself be?

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i would say screw the turbo and s/c idea..since your new to modding motors, go with basic bolt ons to more in depth mods before undertaking a turbo or s/c car.
