4X4 Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4X4 Question


December 2, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Raleigh NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer E.B.
Ok I hope this doesnt sound stupid but is my truck in some type of all wheel drive or 4 wheel drive all the time, the reason I ask I dont have an owners manual and never owned an exlporer, now the problem is when I accelarate (normal to slow) under load (like going up a hill) I feel a pulling from the front, when I punch it I dont feel anything, the feeling (as best as I can describe almost feels like a slipping) BUt as I say when I punch it it grabs completly no sensation of slipping just straight get up a go? Remember I am a NEWBIE!

Welcome to the site. I'm not sure about the 4x4 question, because I don't have enough info, but if you have Control Trac then you have Auto 4wd. This means that you are in 4wd at all times, but the truck will only send torque to the front wheels as needed to prevent slipping. For more info, try search using the term "Control Trac".

If you want to get an owners manual, you can go to the site below to download a PDF version. You will have to sign up for an account, but then look under "Resource Center > Owners Guide"



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Cool yes I think I have control trac. I have a 4X4 auto . I assume it is engaged all the time since there is no way to shut it off,(4x4 auto/4X4 high/4X4 low) I guess the question rephrased would be I think I feel a slipping coming from either the front end or the transmission I only feel the when I accelerate slow to normal through first gear( 5 speed automatic), however if I punch it or step on the pedal harder than normal I dont feel any sensation of slipping it just accelarates like you would expect it to. Could the feeling be part of the control trac system or should I be conserned that there may be something more wrong. I know its a hard question to answer I am just trying to figure out if it normal. Oh and thanks lol

Kinda sounds to me like the effect of having an auto transmission (slushbox). Remember, the Explorer is a relatively heavy vehicle, so its not going to accelerate like a sports car.
