6R60 transmission upgrade to a 6R80 or swap. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6R60 transmission upgrade to a 6R80 or swap.

The Hixter

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March 25, 2019
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04 Explorer Limited 4.6L
Is it possible to upgrade the 2006 or 07 6R60 trans to the better/best available 2010 6R80?

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Is it possible to upgrade the weaker 6R60 transmission to the more robust 6R80 say from 2010 into a 2006/07 4.6L Explorer/Sport Trac? Or requires a swap out or if even possible for computer to read the difference.

Why do you think the 60 is weaker or less robust ? Just this morning on my way to work I clocked 280,000 miles on my 6R60 original tranny.
Can't answer your question about differences between 60 and 80, there are number of them I know.
If you have 04 as you sig says, you have 5R55W.

Welcome to this forum! Your thread was moved into the transmissions & transfer cases section. Another thread was merged into this one. The third one was deleted. Please keep everything in one thread. Each one of these threads was in a different section on this forum.

Why do you think the 60 is weaker or less robust ? Just this morning on my way to work I clocked 280,000 miles on my 6R60 original tranny.
Can't answer your question about differences between 60 and 80, there are number of them I know.
If you have 04 as you sig says, you have 5R55W.

Why do you think the 60 is weaker or less robust ? Just this morning on my way to work I clocked 280,000 miles on my 6R60 original tranny.
Can't answer your question about differences between 60 and 80, there are number of them I know.
If you have 04 as you sig says, you have 5R55W.
It is common knowledge the 2006-2008 6R60 has plagued The Ford Motor Company for years... let's not get off topic and start hijacking this thread about a different model year and transmission with even bigger problems, the 02-05 5R55S/W/E and which vehicles it belongs to and why, please, I'm just looking for information to my question and I'm sorry you can't answer my question also. Regarding your opinion at hand, my apologies if I've called the 6R60 weaker... jeeeze louize congratulations on your 6R60 milestone.

It is common knowledge the 2006-2008 6R60 has plagued The Ford Motor Company for years...

You must be really thinking of the 5R55S. The 6R family is fairly robust.

The main difference you'd want the 80 over the 60 would be if you near or exceed 400 ft lbs

It is common knowledge the 2006-2008 6R60 has plagued The Ford Motor Company for years... let's not get off topic and start hijacking this thread about a different model year and transmission with even bigger problems, the 02-05 5R55S/W/E and which vehicles it belongs to and why, please, I'm just looking for information to my question and I'm sorry you can't answer my question also. Regarding your opinion at hand, my apologies if I've called the 6R60 weaker... jeeeze louize congratulations on your 6R60 milestone.

There is substantial consensus, and evidence, that the 6R60/6R80 transmissions are very robust. The 6R60 has definitely not "plagued" Ford. In fact, it has proven to be very reliable and durable. Also, while the 6R80 handles somewhat more torque than the 6R60, the 4.6L 3V engines do not output enough horsepower and torque to tax either transmission anywhere near the point of causing issues. The reason the 6R80 came about was due to the 6R transmission was to be used in the 2009 F150 pickup and would see more abuse than in the 4th gen Explorers and Mountaineers. The 2009-2010 4th gens got the 6R80 upgrade thanks to its use in the F150 and not because it was plaguing Ford in any way.

Sooooooooooooo...nobody knows for sure if the PCM from an '07 with a 6r60 will work with a newer '08 + up 6r80, huh?

Sounds like the overall case dimensions are the same, just a different torque converter and internals. I'm sad to see that apparently no one on the forum has legit tried this swap :confused:

The more computer controlled these get, the less likely they’ll just drop in.

The more computer controlled these get, the less likely they’ll just drop in.
A lot of people thinking of doing a transmission swap of this natures is just plug and play. Every year has specific programming to consider etc. Then there are always potential wiring harness issues and PCM issues. Plus, the entire thread is a moot point if the OP owns a 3rd gen model with the 5R55 transmission. I would take my chances with a 6R60/80 transmission over a 5R55 nearly any day.

The 6r80s have no speed sensor on them, not sure about the 6r60s. The transmission harness is separate and could be swapped and an 08 computer used with it (after programming). I think all the 4.6 3vs were the same wiring wise, only difference being im not sure if they deleted the IMRC's like the f150s after 07.

The 6r80s have no speed sensor on them, not sure about the 6r60s. The transmission harness is separate and could be swapped and an 08 computer used with it (after programming). I think all the 4.6 3vs were the same wiring wise, only difference being im not sure if they deleted the IMRC's like the f150s after 07.
Boomin', you and I are gonna have a long talk when I bring you your parts :D

2007 6r60 out 2009 6r80 in not first problem didnt change or program anything ..,..... works same as before

2007 6r60 out 2009 6r80 in not first problem didnt change or program anything ..,..... works same as before
So are you saying you did the swap and it worked with no problems?? That'd be great news if true
