6th Gen Stock 2020+ Explorer & Aviator Photo Thread | Page 17 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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6th Gen Stock 2020+ Explorer & Aviator Photo Thread

I think for safety I'd want to put something behind the rear wheels to prevent a possible rollback.


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I thought about that too. I was only in the front, so a rollback would just put it into the garage. I do have some chocks, but relied on the transmission & parking brake this time.

I think for safety I'd want to put something behind the rear wheels to prevent a possible rollback.

These are what I use and recommend.


PITA to install on a 2/4 bolt rear end.

Do the 6th-gen Explorers no longer have the hood insulation pad or did you remove it to install the struts?


I think mine does, but I'd have to go out & check to confirm.

I think mine does, but I'd have to go out & check to confirm.
Edit: Checked at lunch, my 20 Limited does have the hood pad/insulation

Edit: Checked at lunch, my 20 Limited does have the hood pad/insulation
Thank you. I'm guessing it was removed in the picture to allow for the hood strut installation.


Do the 6th-gen Explorers no longer have the hood insulation pad or did you remove it to install the struts?


Mine did not have it when I purchased it a month ago. Doesn't look like it ever had one on it to me. Paint on all of the fastener holes is clean and unmarred.

PITA to install on a 2/4 bolt rear end.
Why did you choose to install the brace? The 2/4 bolt mounts are not failing. I replaced the bolts on my MY2020 with the new part and they weren't the slightest bit bent unlike many reported 1/3 bolt subframes.

Why did you choose to install the brace? The 2/4 bolt mounts are not failing. I replaced the bolts on my MY2020 with the new part and they weren't the slightest bit bent unlike many reported 1/3 bolt subframes.
My bolts were bent.

