89 Bronco engine/axles swap question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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89 Bronco engine/axles swap question


Active Member
October 24, 2009
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City, State
Irwin (Near Pittsburgh) PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 X, 89 Bronco II
I have an 89 Bronco II 2.9L Auto trans with auto lock 4 wheel drive. I want to do the 1st get engine/axle swap. I picked up a 94 Explorer Sport 4.0L auto trans with manual locking hubs. I couldn't pass this truck up got it for a great price. My question is I want auto locking hubs. Does anybody know what I have to do. Can I use my transfer case from the B2 and convert the Explorers manual hubs to auto? Do I need a different front axle or a different transfer case? Will there be computer issues cause I need to use the computer from the 94 X? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Ok I'm now thinking about keeping the manual hubs when I do the swap. Should I swap the dash if I go with the manual hubs? Don't know what direction to go. Everyone says that the manual hubs are stronger but this is going to be mostly a daily driver might have the need to go off road every once in a while. My 2.9L is going and I had a first gen 4.0L with over 200k miles on it and it was still going strong when I sold it. That's the reason for the engine swap. Everyone says that you need to swap the tranny and the axles because the 4.0 will tear up the transmission. What should I do? Looking for advice

Ok I'm now thinking about keeping the manual hubs when I do the swap.

Wise move ;) Though I'm a little lost on how the hubs and swapping of the dash would go together... :confused:

Yes, the 4.0L tends to tear up pretty much any tranny that originally did not have a 4.0L ahead of it (the M5OD manual being the only exception).
Best bet is to swap the Explorer's entire driveline (eng, trans, t-case, and both axles). Every piece is stronger and better made than the BII's counterpart.

Thanks for your input 4x4. The reason I'm thinking about swapping the dash is the B2 dash has a push button switch for the 4x4 and the explorer dash there is just an air vent where the B2 has the switch. I don't know what the PCM will want to see as far as 4x4 indication so I thought since I'm going to swap the complete drive train and use the engine harness and the PCM from the X I might as well use the dash just thought it would make the wiring easier and hopefully less problems with the gauges working. I know I will still have wiring to do/change. Do you see problems with changing the dash? I've never done a swap so maybe my thinking is wrong. Any help/thoughts/input is welcome. Thanks

this is the exact same swap im doing, my understanding is that it is by far easier to swap the entire dash, wiring and all. thats the route im taking and im told that the dash basically bolts right in. let me know what happens if you do it before me.

It actually depends on what year vehicles are involved.

Swapping of the dash makes a 4.0L swap into a '83-'88 truck far easier. However into a '89 or '90, it's much closer to plug & play, as many of the circuits '89-'94 are already the same.

The 4WD switch thing is just a panel that pops out the same way as any other vent would (the 4WD system is also it's own system). Easy enough to just swap that (though if you have a manual case, I'd be hanging onto that instead).

from my understanding the main diff on the fuel injected 2.9l from the 4.0l is the maf right? so is the 2.9l from 89-90 a maf engine? that kind of rings a bell now that i think of it. guess Dave is plugging his in and im swapping a dash lol

Thanks 4x4. Once I get into it I think I'll be ok. The dash in my 89 is blue the dash in the 94 x is tan. I was wanting a tan interior anyway so that is another reason to swap although I guess I could use that paint for plastic. Has anyone ever used that paint for plastic? Does it hold up or does it peel off. I don't think it would holf up on a padded dash but might be ok for the other plastic interior parts.

i had that crappy looking wood grain plastic dash, so i decided to paint it and i used that Krylon fusion stuff, the only thing is i really wish i would have sanded the plastic down a little better and took about 15 min between coats. mine ran just a little bit, and make sure you let it dry for a long time, its really durable after a few days though.

i guess if you have a dash that is the color you want i would just swap it, that plastic paint will never look as good as a factory dash

Agreed, changing colors is a good reason to swap a dash. That paint stuff will never look "factory".

I think the 2.9L is MAF from 11/'89 forward (which makes it a mid-year change for 1990 models). Same date as when the D35/BW1354 appeared.

Posting pics of my 89 B2 XLT and the donor 94 X sport 4.0L auto trans with manual hubs and manual transfer case. Plans are painting the whole truck white, doing the engine/axle swap, 3" body lift and bigger tires.


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My donor truck 94 x sport 4.0 auto with manual hubs and xfer case


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