98 explorer limited Eddie Bauer edition | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 explorer limited Eddie Bauer edition


Elite Explorer
April 9, 2022
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1998 explorer limited
Very clean, only 2 owners. 155,000 miles. It turns over and runs well just doesn't move. Figured I'd post on here. I only want 1500 for it obo. Located in Puyallup Washington. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Too far from me, but does it have the 5.0L V8? AWD, 4WD, 2WD?

Have you had any diagnostics done on the (what might be a transmission...) problem?

I might be getting my model years confused, but doesn't a '98 Eddie Bauer usually have the slightly excessive plastic cladding that yours seems to not have? This is what I remember a '98 EB to look like:


@J_C The OP called it a "Limited Eddie Bauer" which I thought were two separate trim lines. His is evidently a Limited, if we are to judge by the evident lack of the fender flares and other plastic parts, and the body-matched, two-section grille is definitely from a Limited (I wish mine had that old-style grille, might look for one some time).

@MsCrystal Ditto on the engine, transmission, and transfer case question, and diagnostics on the "doesn't move"; are we talking doesn't shift into gear, or some thing seized up, or some thing disconnected somewhere?

3000 miles too far out for me, but this will help potential buyers to know where to start the project. Looks like she's in good shape overall!

Looks like a SOHC limited to me. That being the case, not moving is likely due to the crap transmission being smoked.

@Mbrooks420 Unfortunately, we can't even see the 4x4 switch in the pics, so we can only guess until a reply is made. I don't know what you'd have to do even to a 5r55e to make it fail at 155k, may be some kind of heavy towing?

Looks like the hood has a pretty decent-sized ding in it too, but doesn't appear to have affected the bumper. Could be a replacement bumper or replacement hood, perhaps @MsCrystal would like to elaborate on that for prospective buyers as well. No pics of the back or left side yet, either.

For $1500 I'd probably nab it to mess with, if I was a bit closer...

@Mbrooks420 Unfortunately, we can't even see the 4x4 switch in the pics, so we can only guess until a reply is made. I don't know what you'd have to do even to a 5r55e to make it fail at 155k, may be some kind of heavy towing?

Looks like the hood has a pretty decent-sized ding in it too, but doesn't appear to have affected the bumper. Could be a replacement bumper or replacement hood, perhaps @MsCrystal would like to elaborate on that for prospective buyers as well. No pics of the back or left side yet, either.

For $1500 I'd probably nab it to mess with, if I was a bit closer...
It’s definitely a SOHC.

Too far from me, but does it have the 5.0L V8? AWD, 4WD, 2WD?

Have you had any diagnostics done on the (what might be a transmission...) problem?

I might be getting my model years confused, but doesn't a '98 Eddie Bauer usually have the slightly excessive plastic cladding that yours seems to not have? This is what I remember a '98 EB to look like:

View attachment 443796
It's a

4WD 4.0L SOHC V-6

I had my launch pad finally come in the mail so I could get it hooked up to read the codes. P0741 is what it gave me. My partner was driving it to the transmission shop and the transmission stopped engaging at a red light. Pushed it out of the road. Waited 2 hours for a tow. When the tow truck driver went to put it onto the truck it went into gear just fine.

The dent in the hood is from a tree branch. Thats all the damage that was done as it wasn't that big of a branch. I didn't do any towing with it besides a dresser.

It has a awd, 4low and 4 hi toggle switch on the dash. I can take pictures in the morning.

The o/d off light started flashing but no noticeable difference in driving. The light turned off on the way to the shop. Went to go at a light and it reved but no go. Had to push it off the road.

I'll search through my camera roll for more pictures.

Besides the transmission issue it's in great shape. The person I got it from said he bought it off the lot. I bought it early 2020 then a lot of life happened. My dog got cancer had to put him down, my mom visited for months, then we lost her 3.monts after. Had to make a few trips from Washington to Ohio to settle her affairs. Then I got pregnant so, doing a lot with this has gotten put on the back burner. I had the air hose for like 7 months before I put it on. I had another daily driver so, this got put on the back burner alot. Now my family and I are moving and I cannot take it with us and we've run down on time to fix it. So I decided to list it, I would really hate to send this to the scrap yard.

@MsCrystal Thanks for the information and pics! That's good to know, about the dent, too. Keep poking around here on the forum, I'm sure somebody will either buy her or provide some solution. There's a lot of EF users in your region, so there's almost certainly interest; you've just gotta find who's looking.

That P0741 code refers to the torque converter clutch circuit, which isn't necessarily a big bad... depending on which part it is that's causing the code. At least it lets you (or a buyer) know where to start looking!

I wish I had time for a solution. We are moving in a couple weeks. I posted on Facebook too and am not coming up with much. I would just hate to scrap it. Besides the transmission problem. Which seems universal for these. It's a great SUV .
