99 ex sport stuck in 4low. If i take shift motor off and turn triangle to 2 hi? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 ex sport stuck in 4low. If i take shift motor off and turn triangle to 2 hi?


July 12, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Boonville In
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 ExSport 4.0 V6 SOHC
sorry but need to drive my truck, stuck in 4wheel low...have disconected battery, unplugged shift motor, checked fuses, windows still roll d/up if ignition is shut off, awd/hi/low dash swith green light still comes on and have flashing 4wd lights flashing 6 times...o/d light flashes but shifts in out with o/d button. I engaged 4lo the other day to get through deep snow and wont disengage now...if I take my shift motor off and manually turn triangle, will i be able to put shift motor cap back on w/out issues? have read tons of threads, but not clear! Help please

thanks but UPDATE...this time i tried disconecting the shift motor, BOTH CABLES OFF BATTERY, LET IT SET, RECONNECTED SHIFT MOTOR, GENTLY TAPPED ON WORM DRIVE AND MOTOR, RECONNECCTED BOTH BATT CABLES, TURND TRUCK ON, PUT IN NEUTRAL, STARTED TRUCK AND WALAA! heard motor noise and it disengaged. took for a drive and it was out. hit a field and gassed it, awd seemed to kick in fine, no flashing lights hit the road again, felt fine and guess now im out of 4wheel? sound right? anyone know the correct BROWN WIRE MOD FOR MY 99ex sport? LOVE THIS FORUM!

WANTED TO BE SURE THIS WAS VISIBLE IN THIS THREAD..thanks but UPDATE...this time i tried disconecting the shift motor, BOTH CABLES OFF BATTERY, LET IT SET, RECONNECTED SHIFT MOTOR, GENTLY TAPPED ON WORM DRIVE AND MOTOR, RECONNECCTED BOTH BATT CABLES, TURND TRUCK ON, PUT IN NEUTRAL, STARTED TRUCK AND WALAA! heard motor noise and it disengaged. took for a drive and it was out. hit a field and gassed it, awd seemed to kick in fine, no flashing lights hit the road again, felt fine and guess now im out of 4wheel? sound right? anyone know the correct BROWN WIRE MOD FOR MY 99ex sport? LOVE THIS FORUM!.

Might want to do a shift motor rebuild when you get the chance. Sounds like it lost track of where exactly it was, which is common when they go beyond their limits due to a smashed bushing. But yes, you should be able (if it happens again) to just take the motor off, turn the selector shaft to 2Hi, and drive it around without the shift motor attached. I am more familiar with the 91-94 models but it is probably the same process.

As for the Brown Wire Mod question, you should find the answer in this thread: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=149388
