Alternator help pleease! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Alternator help pleease!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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City, State
Glassboro, southern jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 5.0
I have a 4.0 ohv with a recently installed mechman 275amp. With that i have an upgraded harness. My 5.0 i bought i was told and appears to bolt right in. My question being my 4.0 ohv has 3 wires in the clip and one extra clip that was left unplugged. My 5.0 has an identical clip with 2 wires fed but the alt has three pins with the center in harness obsolete. Can i use my mechman!? Both harnesses are identical aside from one missing wire BUT the alt on 5.0 HAS 3 pins but 2 wires in harness. Please help i just spent 450 On the beast 2 months ago and love it

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Yes, you can use it. You just need to go to any auto parts store and pick up a replacement plug that has 3 wires instead of 2. Then you connect that extra single wire to the center wire in the 3 wire plug. On the 5.0 alt that connection is made internally so by using the new plug you are just making that connection externally like the 4.0 OHV alt does.

Okay heres another thing. If i pic up the 3 wire harness i dont have the single wire the 4.0 has. The 4.0 has the 3 pin 3 wire with and additional single pin single wire. The mechman had no spot for the single wire. Is the single the one your reffering to connecting to? The 5.0 has the 3 pin with two wires and no additional single wire... and the alt has the 3 pins with the middle pin unused

Okay heres another thing. If i pic up the 3 wire harness i dont have the single wire the 4.0 has. The 4.0 has the 3 pin 3 wire with and additional single pin single wire. The mechman had no spot for the single wire. Is the single the one your reffering to connecting to? The 5.0 has the 3 pin with two wires and no additional single wire... and the alt has the 3 pins with the middle pin unused

O.k. I misunderstood. My SOHC alt has the 3 wire plug and the center pin not used like the 5.0 has. My 250 amp alt is built from an OHV alt and has the single pin plug off to the side. The SOHC and 5.0 alts make that connection internally whereas the OHV alt does not, hence that other single plug. That mechman should bolt right in.

So at thus rate i outta bolt her up, plug it in and see how it goes? I just want to confirm before i buy another belt. I replaced the factory 4.0 then one month later got a shorter belt when i installed alt. Now i need a shorter belt for a truck bought a week and a half ago... hell the one around my waist ive had for 6 yrs lol
