Anyone experience these electrical issues before? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone experience these electrical issues before?


New Member
April 7, 2024
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City, State
Minneapolis, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer XLS 4.0 4x2
I have a 2004 Explorer XLS 2wd with the 4.0. I bought this truck 2 weeks ago for $300 rust free with a clean title so I cant REALLY complain about it, just trying to see if anyone has ran into this issue before.

My day started with it shredding a belt because the A/C compressor bracket is bent or something. Instead of the 85 13/16" belt I got a 71 9/16" belt to just completely bypass the compressor. Don't think that has anything to do with my issue, but you NEVER know with weird **** like this.

My issue is as follows: I was driving along with my parking lights on because it was nearing dusk and I wanted to be seen. Somewhere along a 3 mile drive the backlight to my cluster and A/C controls went out. Unbeknownst to me, so did my taillights (the officer that pulled me over a mile later informed me of that.)

After 5 hours of troubleshooting based on posts on this forum along with alldata and identifix, I looked at various fuses and was convinced it was the Main Light Switch (no fog lights, no auto lights). Found a hail mary post that told me to check fuse 16 (15amp) under the hood, and lo and behold its blown. Get a ride to walmart to buy a pack of fuses as its 10:30pm and no parts stores are open. Get back to the truck put a fuse in and I have taillights but no cluster backlights still. So I'm like ok whatever I can deal with no cluster lights, so I leave and not 30 seconds later it blows again.

Obviously there is a short somewhere. But my question for you is Where?

I don't have Parking lights on the front, or tail lights on the back. EVERY OTHER light on the truck works (excluding low beams, but my multifunction switch is kinda broken and stuck on high beams).

I have attached Images of the fuse box diagrams.

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I believe I have diagnosed this as 2 shorted license plate light sockets.

Do you have an aftermarket trailer harness installed?

Do you have an aftermarket trailer harness installed?
not to my knowledge, looks factory to me.

As for my "update" unless the second hand ones that werent much better than the ones I had also are shorting, its something else.

I've seen similar issues that turned out to be an issue with the switch. The rotary one on the dash, not the high/low lever on the column.

I've seen similar issues that turned out to be an issue with the switch. The rotary one on the dash, not the high/low lever on the column.
I can confirm that after some probing with my power probe and bridging some connections, that it was in fact the switch. Even the used one I got was bad apparently, so to avoid further issues with it, I have bypassed it for the Headlights and running lights and just wired them to 2 toggle switches.

Still no Cluster lights though. Tried plugging the dimmer side of both switches in my possession in and it just blows the fuse so I'm thinking thats actually the bad side on them, but already past the point of return on wiring one back in for the main switch.

Any suggestions on getting my cluster and hvac control backlights back? tried bridging connections on the dimmer side of the switch with no luck, also tried just straight power from my power probe and no luck.

I can confirm that after some probing with my power probe and bridging some connections, that it was in fact the switch. Even the used one I got was bad apparently, so to avoid further issues with it, I have bypassed it for the Headlights and running lights and just wired them to 2 toggle switches.

Still no Cluster lights though. Tried plugging the dimmer side of both switches in my possession in and it just blows the fuse so I'm thinking thats actually the bad side on them, but already past the point of return on wiring one back in for the main switch.

Any suggestions on getting my cluster and hvac control backlights back? tried bridging connections on the dimmer side of the switch with no luck, also tried just straight power from my power probe and no luck.
If I had the diagram for it I could help you. I spent about 15 minutes looking for it (without having to pay for it) and couldn't find anything. I have a couple of guys that are good at getting stuff like that. You can join my Facebook group and post it on there and we'll see what we can find out, but I don't have the time to look into it any further at the moment. Log into Facebook
