Audio issues | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Audio issues


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December 5, 2023
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Wellington, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 explorer limited
Hello all, Hoping to find some answers here. I have a 2020 explorer limited and have lost all sound thru the speakers did a soft reset with no luck. Took it to ford dealer last week for some recalls and had them check it out, said it was probably the audio control module, checked and when they reconnected it, it worked?????? They priced a new module at around $800, $1400 installed. Do I have any aftermarket options that don’t cost so much?

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Would you happen to have the part number? I checked out this site and wasn't able to find the part as nothing is listed as an Audio Control Module (ACM). Antenna & Radio for 2020 Ford Explorer | Levittown Ford Parts
It might be this; Original 2020-2023 Ford Control Module 5U5Z-14G371-LHC | Levittown Ford Parts
Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount. Of course you'd still need to have it installed.
If your system is currently working after the reconnect, I'd leave it and see if that was all it required.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Would you happen to have the part number? I checked out this site and wasn't able to find the part as nothing is listed as an Audio Control Module (ACM). Antenna & Radio for 2020 Ford Explorer | Levittown Ford Parts
It might be this; Original 2020-2023 Ford Control Module 5U5Z-14G371-LHC | Levittown Ford Parts
Levittown is a forum vendor and offers members a discount. Of course you'd still need to have it installed.
If your system is currently working after the reconnect, I'd leave it and see if that was all it required.

Sorry, no I don’t have a part number. Just going off of what the tech called it, and it has already stopped working again. It may be part of the amplifier, he said it was located on driver side in the very rear of the car.

Sorry, no I don’t have a part number. Just going off of what the tech called it, and it has already stopped working again. It may be part of the amplifier, he said it was located on driver side in the very rear of the car.
Are you updated to the lasted SYNC version 23188? If not that might help.

Sorry, no I don’t have a part number. Just going off of what the tech called it, and it has already stopped working again. It may be part of the amplifier, he said it was located on driver side in the very rear of the car.
I don't know about the 6th gen Explorer, but on the two 5th gens I had, the sub and electronics were on the passenger side behind the right rear panel in the cargo area.

