auto trans shift cable attachment at trans. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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auto trans shift cable attachment at trans.


Elite Explorer
December 31, 2013
Reaction score
In my garage working on one of our vehicles.
City, State
Horsepasture, Virginia.
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Ranger 4x4, 99 Sport.
I need some help here, we have a 2008 Escape with 4 cyl, & auto trans, during the week I pulled the truck into the driveway & put the shifter into park but the trans was still in gear. I shut off the engine chocked the wheel so it did not roll & opened the hood. I found the plastic connector on the end of the shift cable had come off the ball stud on the lever on the trans. I figured the plastic was broken so I ordered a new cable from my local Ford dealer. I tried to install the new cable on the ball stud on the trans lever & it will not snap into place. Is there anything that is supposed to be on there besides the ball stud to hold the cable on the ball stud like a retainer clip?. I removed the cable bracket for more room to work that is why it is missing.


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im not familiar with the escape but for most of these Fords the cable just snaps onto the ball
It can be pretty tough to do especially with a new cable
Try a little bit of motor oil to help
The column shifter and trans should both be in N when you do this, that is the proper way to adjust a new cable, in N

Thanks Jamie I will give that a try. It has a floor shift if it makes any difference.

Ive used large adjustable pliers to push the cables over the stud end. Little bit of lube helps too

