Big Bear Run June 24th - 26th | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Bear Run June 24th - 26th

Sorry Bill, just tryin to help :p

jobunn, if it's possible to reserve 2 spots that would be cool. If you can't don't worry about it...i'll split with someone too if needed.

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DB sounds good. I should arrive after 4:00.

JoBunn you availabe Friday evening to wheel?

DB sounds good. I should arrive after 4:00.

JoBunn you availabe Friday evening to wheel?

Most definitely. I'll contact you around 5:00 pm.

I'll need to drop off all my camping gear before I can wheel Saturday morning. Whoever gets a campsite, PLEASE call me with a location.858-735-0243. :thumbsup:

Also, we should pick a CB channel. How about 22?

I'll call you later today RangerX. I am leaving in a bit, and I'll be on Channel 22.

Yahoo!!!!! I'll be leaving in a couple of hours.

I guess we'll be meeting at the Discovery Center unless I missed something.

Jobunn we'll talk this afternoon.

Chanel 22 it is.

Have fun guys! Sorry I could not make it. :(

I'll be leaving tomorrow morning now. If we can work it out, I'll be showing up with RangerX.

we'll meet at the Discovery center, right Colin?

Colin, Bill, can you guy's make it late tonight?(Not to late.) If you can you can crash in my hotel room till next day. If they charge extra you guy's would have to pay. My cell is 760-213-5437. Let me know. The name of the hotel is
Thundercloud Resort
40598 Lakeview

let me know, I would have to ask for a room with double beds so you guy's can sleep together in one :D

Jobunn calledme, and said he is in the Hanna Flat campground, which is a couple miles north of Fawnskin. He has two sites, 12+14. Colin and I are going up early tomorrow, and hope to take the second site. :D

Colin, I'll call you later today about where to meet up, etc.

Come on Josh... Don't be the only one that posted in this thread that isn't going... :p
Oh, the irony! :p

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