Block heater cord location? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Block heater cord location?


New Member
March 14, 2016
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2010 Explorer Limited
I purchased my 10 in spring & therefore had no need to use the block heater yet... I didn't think of the block heater cord until a bitter cold night like tonight & went to plug it in, but the previous owner never used it.. or it doesn't have one, (but most with northern Canadian vehicles its pretty common to have) on my last truck the the previous owner never used it either & I found it ziptied up behind the bumper, I checked by the battery, behind the grille & up under the bumper & cant find anything. Before I go further on a wild goose chase, just wondering if anyone knows offhand where it might be hiding?

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If its a made for Canada vehicle ( check for Transport Canada emblem on drivers door tag) then you would expect a block heater. My 06 has one, cord was tucked up under the bumper. Some were even mounted to a bracket bolted to the grille.
I'll check the exact routing on mine tomorrow and get back to you.

Now I'm wondering if my Explorer has a block heater....

It doesn't have a block heater installed. The factory connector mounted solid to the lower part of the grill in the center. Its not a loose cable like most. It has a metal flip cover on it. I ended up routing a new one when I installed my bently style grill and ran it behind the bull bar next to my plug for my in car heater. -27c here today so she would be rough starting without it if it wasnt still 5c in my garage.

Yes I feel like a fool, I laid underneath& checked on the block & verified that yes there indeed a block heater... secondly as I followed where the line snaked, I realized as Bill & Tech by Trade mentioned.. it does have a nice clean little black square cap mounted & tucked within the grille. Well done ford! I was expecting a big ugly plug like on my 05 F150 or my old fusion had.

Wow, Tech, are in Alaska ?
