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BTF lift super bumpy


Active Member
November 22, 2022
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2004 V6 4x4 XLT
Just got the btf spacers and UCAs installed but the truck is SUPER bumpy past 50mph. It has been aligned twice over and had tires rebalanced but it's still really bad.

I am being told that I will need spacers or new offset wheels due to rear UCAs hitting the stock rims and looking at them I can definitely see where they've been hitting.

Anyone else have this problem? I've seen pictures on here of exs with this lift and stock wheels so why are mine bumping? I really just want this bumpy situation solved. Thanks ❤️

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I'm thinking about throwing on these wheel spacers and seeing if it solves the problem.
Thing is they say to torque to 85ft/lbs when Ford says 100ft/lbs for lug nuts. Which one should I go with? Unsure about safety....

Do 100ft lbs

Getting the wheels to not hit the uca will for sure help the ride
However when running a spacer lift like this you can expect the factory ride to go away. Why?
Because you have essentially changed the ride height, by adding spacers you have removed “droop” Travel by stiffening the spring rate. This means you have lots of up travel in the suspension but little to no down travel.

Now when your tire hits a pothole it is not able to drop down into the hole (because you are already near full droop at ride height) which makes for a really rough ride In the bumps.
In order to raise your truck you added spacers. The spacers basically stiffen your front springs by compressing them (at ride height) stiff springs = Bumpy

As long as spacers are in there the ride will be “bumpy”

Do 100ft lbs

Getting the wheels to not hit the uca will for sure help the ride
However when running a spacer lift like this you can expect the factory ride to go away. Why?
Because you have essentially changed the ride height, by adding spacers you have removed “droop” Travel by stiffening the spring rate. This means you have lots of up travel in the suspension but little to no down travel.

Now when your tire hits a pothole it is not able to drop down into the hole (because you are already near full droop at ride height) which makes for a really rough ride In the bumps.
In order to raise your truck you added spacers. The spacers basically stiffen your front springs by compressing them (at ride height) stiff springs = Bumpy

As long as spacers are in there the ride will be “bumpy”

I can't even go above 40mph on a smooth road surely that's not just because of the spacers?? I need to be able to take thing on the highway 😰

Your wheels are hitting the uca
It can actually cut your wheel in half
Probably a good idea not to drive it at all until that is resolved

Here are some other threads about extremely bumpy ride aftet btf spacers and uca

Make sure nothing else is making contact
Consider a smaller spacer

I hope this helps!

OK, so this has turned into a big mystery problem.

The offset of the wheels was not the problem (I got offset wheels, no difference). The rear UCAs getting banged up is likely a symptom rather than a cause. I called Brandon and he told me that this sort of problem has NEVER happened before. I took the ex to a specialty suspension shop and after running a full diagnostic they couldn't figure it out either! They did say they suspect it is coming from the transfer case and referred me to a drivetrain shop.

We'll see what happens. I would REALLY hate to have to have the spacers removed... wish me luck

Problem has been solved! She's riding smooth like butter again and I'm very happy. ^_^

It was in fact the rear left CV axle. Drivetrain shop figured it out. Either it was bent before the lift and the lift exacerbated it into being noticeable OR the muppets who installed the lift bent the axle when they were hammering away at my ex.
