Building Smart Charger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Building Smart Charger

I need some help tracking down parts for this circuit.
If anyone knows of a supply place in the Western Burbs of Chicago, please let me know. RadioShack doesn't have everything I need. That BC140 is a NPN Transistor, RS doesn't have it or anything close. I could use a BC548 but I cant find that ether.

Basically what I want to build is a smart trickle charger to connect to all the batteries up at the lake house.

This is the basic circuit from


The idea is to build one charging station to connect to at least 6 batteries. So the final project will have 6 copies of that circuit diagram and either one main 20 amp DC power supply or 6 individual transformers with bridge rectifiers and such to create 2.5 amps per charging connection. I will probably add amp gauges to each on the front panel. This circuit is also missing some diodes to prevent battery drain if main power is out. Also a couple on the DC input to avoid cross feed. Im also thinking a red and green led to show if the charger is in high or low mode. Ill post the final schematic when its finished. (if I find all the parts)

If it works out Ill probably build 3 charging stations so I can connect every battery we have. As you can imagine, its a lot of batteries. Snowmobiles, jet-skis and boats.

Ya I know Harbor Freight has them for like 18 bucks but those didnt work that good. We bought 7 of those last year and only 2 still work.


little bump.........

I know someone on this site knows more about this stuff than I do.

