Can you program a new key in this scenario? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can you program a new key in this scenario?


New Member
November 29, 2008
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I recently purchased a 2008 Explorer XLT used and only received 2 keys from the dealer. Today I am having a remote starter put in at a alarm shop and they guy tells me he needs to keep one of my keys for the module. I didn't realize they were going to keep one! So I said I rather not have to pay the dealer to reprogram another key if I have one cut, and he said I should be able to do it with the 1 key I have left and the remote starter. He said I could:
  1. Put in my 1 remaining key and turn to on position and then off/remove
  2. Use the remote starter and turn it on but not let it start, just to the point where the lights turn on (I guess there is a 5 sec. delay) and then stop it
  3. Then stick in my unprogrammed cut key and turn to on position to let it program

He says the remote starter should still be able to act as the 2nd key, is that true?

Any advice?



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Pay the extra 5dlls and have them install a new module that doesn't require leaving the key in it, leaving the key inside is not a good idea...

The module is the best way to do it. Then you dont have a key in the truck.

The other way i always ilked to do it was, if you want to leave a key in there. Buy this:|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50

use this uncut key for the remote start. This way there is no useable key in the truck if a thief finds it.

1. first original key on (dont start the truck) until the light on the dash goes out. then shut it off.
2. second original key on (dont start) until the light on the dash goes out. then shut off.
3. place the new un-cut in the ignition (you wont be able to turn it, but it will slide into the switch). remote start the truck. While its in the remote start before it starts it will learn the key.
