can you read the tire pressure through the obd2 port | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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can you read the tire pressure through the obd2 port


September 28, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer Limited
On the 2015 Explorer that I have I do not see the individual tire pressure readout. Has anyone been able to find a way to enable this (Possibly a reprogram, similar to reprogramming to enable/disable the DRL's) in the dash readouts like the 2016+ Explorer Models? I never really though about it until I had a low tire pressure light come on. Then looking at all of them trying to find which one was low. Why Ford just didn't enable this right away so show the readouts on a convenient screen in the vehicle is beyond me.

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On the 2015 Explorer that I have I do not see the individual tire pressure readout. Has anyone been able to find a way to enable this (Possibly a reprogram, similar to reprogramming to enable/disable the DRL's) in the dash readouts like the 2016+ Explorer Models? I never really though about it until I had a low tire pressure light come on. Then looking at all of them trying to find which one was low. Why Ford just didn't enable this right away so show the readouts on a convenient screen in the vehicle is beyond me.
I don't know about reprograming to show individual tire PSI but the Forscan tool will allow the following according to a post.
You can enable dark car, drls, change tire pressure (changes TPMS threshold), change tire size, etc.


I have the Android Torque app, and it isnt in there, but i know you can add the extra PID's......
i was curious if anyone knew or knows a way to get them... i want to know the current air pressure of each tires every time i plug in the obd2.

I know I can with my Forscan app so it must be possible, can't help you with the formulas as they are all preprogrammed with Forscan.

Forscan can read individual TPMS data.

Torque Pro can read individual TPMS.

It's a DOT certification requirement so all cars with TPMS have to report those though the connector - not all readers can see the code. but if you have something that reads beyond engine and power train - it most likely will do TPMS as well.

IE the ones that also gather ABS/Stability and other systems like electrical. Usually they cost more or are connected to another device (laptop/tablet/mobile)

It's a DOT certification requirement so all cars with TPMS have to report those though the connector - not all readers can see the code. but if you have something that reads beyond engine and power train - it most likely will do TPMS as well.

IE the ones that also gather ABS/Stability and other systems like electrical. Usually they cost more or are connected to another device (laptop/tablet/mobile)

Sorry I forgot the why - it has to be fully maintainable for the life of the car - DOT requirement. Which means you need to be able to directly read all aspects of the system via the diagnostics system in the event of a failure. So it has to have it's own coded messages . Should be able to read - current output (tire pressure), unit id (sensor's serial number), battery condition (internal battery of the sensor). or something like that.

does the 2015 not enable the 4 tire view in either display modes or under veichle settings?

you have to go find it on the 2016. I don't have a 15 so I don't know just asking.

the data points are there - they have to be.

does the 2015 not enable the 4 tire view in either display modes or under veichle settings?

you have to go find it on the 2016. I don't have a 15 so I don't know just asking.

the data points are there - they have to be.
That feature only became available on the 2016 model.


only throws a light on the older model - that sucks. had that on the 12 focus we had - pissed me off to see that. OH not I have to stick all 4 tires to see how they fair.

my older POS pontiac and maw and paw kettle's older still pacifica put up a 4 point synoptic with pressures.

good luck OP.

Even with individual TPMS readings, I still carry around my $1.00 tire pressure guage for quick checks.

Even with individual TPMS readings, I still carry around my $1.00 tire pressure guage for quick checks.
Yup. Have one in all my cars. Also have the seat-belt cutter/window breaker tool in them as well.

I have Torque Pro, out to the driveway and check.

Did you load the Ford PIDs?
yes all the predefined set for ford. but i cannot see any related to TPMS. do i need to add PID for this?
or i'm doing it wrong. i'm using my android phone btw.

Torque Pro can read individual TPMS.

@613GT500 i have torque Pro, can you advise how to access the psi on all tires?

Did you load the Ford PIDs?

yes all the predefined set for ford. but i cannot see any related to TPMS. do i need to add PID for this?
or i'm doing it wrong. i'm using my android phone btw.

Same here, I tried last night and never found TPMS. I don't know where to get the Ford PID's for my 2015 Explorer. Can you enlighten us with that? Also I installed the Torque Scan for Torque Pro plug-in but I don't think that is working too well as it never finished it's scan. It is suppose to scan your ECU to find extended PID locations. I wouldn't think the TPMS would be in the ECU. I'd think it would be in the Body computer (Not sure what Ford calls it and even if Ford had a body control unit like other manufactures).

Forgot - Android phone as well - my OBD2 scanner and Torque Pro work well together in multiple cars.

Same here, I tried last night and never found TPMS. I don't know where to get the Ford PID's for my 2015 Explorer. Can you enlighten us with that? Also I installed the Torque Scan for Torque Pro plug-in but I don't think that is working too well as it never finished it's scan. It is suppose to scan your ECU to find extended PID locations. I wouldn't think the TPMS would be in the ECU. I'd think it would be in the Body computer (Not sure what Ford calls it and even if Ford had a body control unit like other manufactures).

Forgot - Android phone as well - my OBD2 scanner and Torque Pro work well together in multiple cars.

TPMS comes from BCM (body control module). Its the fuse box in the driver side foot well/ a-pillar area.

I don't know that torque app differentiates the modules - I've only used it once though.

littile detail I remembered when I looked into BT OBD modules - not all the BT OBD II scanners talk all the right languages to get the full PID's.

Example - not all of them do GMSCAN and ford uses a set called MS-CAN. Medium Speed CAN bus. Not all the BT ones know those and thus can't read anything transmitted down that.

USB systems often do. LIke HP tuners modules or EFI LIve. SO it might be you have too weak a BT modules but the software would work otherwise.

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yes all the predefined set for ford. but i cannot see any related to TPMS. do i need to add PID for this?
or i'm doing it wrong. i'm using my android phone btw.

i tried the forscan, but it detect that my elm obdII is clone... :( cheap china product. but it works well in tourque pro :p
