Carlisle All Ford Nat's! Jun 4-6, 2010 | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Carlisle All Ford Nat's! Jun 4-6, 2010

That what all of his girlfriends say :D

All of his girl friends????

I can only think of one, and I still say he paid her to just "play" his girl friend :rolleyes: :p:

Dr. SVO phd

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mothin i do ever sounds good...

aparently theres 3 things you can count on this weekend blistering heat, rain, and me gettin sick at homewood... i seem to be making a habbit of it

All Ford Day 2
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Need a better Photographer the one you have now sucks :p:

Tim you really need to borrow those wheels from the Explorer to the left there. I am sure Tara would not mind :cool:

Awesome paint there but those stock alloys.....well.................................

I'm working on a set if rims down here, but if I left hotness shoeless, tara would leave me lifeless!

anyone catch the price on this ?

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Day 2 is being reuploaded as we speak.. Must have been some sort of issue when I changed the camera to continious mode or when the battery was draining out.. Anyways Day 2 Part B
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Everyone is asleep and I have sharpie... :D

I just want so say Thank You to everyone for inviting me, and making me a part of the club! I had a great time yesterday, and I look forward to many more gatherings to come! Hopefully some of you can make it to my shindig on June 19th!

looks like i missed yet another good time, hopefully i will be able to make it to one again sometime soon

3rd Day.. Offroading at Rausch Creek Offroad Park.

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Oh yea Tim won 2nd place.

Oh yea Tim won 2nd place.

I was wondering if he was going to place, A guy had walked by with paper and pen and said something about "first one to catch my eye" and was writing down the information off the windshield and looked over it.

Congrats Tim!

We did manage to convert Tara from a Flyers fan to a Canadians fan.. lol

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And Lindsy got a new decal.. bwahaha and almost got stabbed by JDraper's wife.
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I talked to the guy with the camo explorer on Friday about his fender flairs and for the life of me i can't remember what brand he said they were, all i know is that they came from jegs, but can't find them on my search. thanks for bsing with me btw, i was the guy that has the ranger on 37's and solid front axle
thanks again

Pacer Performance "flexy flares". you can get em at quadratec or summit. i think i got mine from quadratec. IIRC u needed the surfacemounts, wich come in either a 2 peice set or a 50 foot roll. apparently only the lip mounts have the reinforcing wire in them

Pacer Performance 52-170 Pacer Performance Flexy Flares Fender Flares | Summit Racing
Pacer Performance 52-169 Pacer Performance Flexy Flares Fender Flares | Summit Racing
Pacer Performance Products 52-170 Flexy Flares 2.25" Wide x 58" Long 2 Piece Side Surface Mount Heavy Duty Fender Flare Set

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here we go!


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