Center Console Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Center Console Question

Hello Fellow Radio Guys/Girls....

I am new to the board and Ford Explorers as well....

To start off, I will never drive another Blazer-type vehicle again. I'm SOLD on the Explorers...

With that being said... I have to remove the center console from my new 2003 truck and put in an 18" radio console for my mobile radios, scanner, and siren unit.

I've heard that there may be an issue with the vehicles "electronic brains" being located inside the factory console.

Can anyone confirm this? or can I just go ahead and swap out the consoles?

Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Mike C.

Welcome to the site! The site's signature limit is 6 lines, please modify your signature accordingly.

First and second generation Explorers didn't have many electronics in the center console except a trip computer (limited and some eddie bauers) and/or a CD changer. I assume that if you don't have anything visible like that equipped then you're fine. The earlier consoles are very easy to remove with a little patience and simple tools, yours may be very easy to remove and reinstall once you figure out what's under there.

Good luck!


Thank you very much......

I'll pull it out tomorrow and see what I can find....

Let the games begin....

