Climate control is ridiculous | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Climate control is ridiculous


New Member
January 24, 2020
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer Sport 3.5
2017 Explorer Sport with Sync 3

So when I have heat on and need to hit the defrost button it does just fine defrost is on, but click the defrost button again to off and all heat is off, I have to go into lcd screen menu and re-select heat controls for temp and location..

Also the rear heat controls on the LCD screen and stupid as well, its easier for me to reach back into center floor controls to do fan speed and heat temps.

Again ford what were you thinking when you configured the climate controls!

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Unfortunately, I no longer have my Explorer but I don't recall having to do all that you mentioned to have the heat ON after turning Defrost OFF.
Do you have your Climate Control set to "Auto"? I always had it set that way. Being the only one in the vehicle, I never had to use the rear heater controls but they seemed well laid out and easy to use if I recall correctly.


I tried auto setting once and it seemed it couldn't decide what do do for an hour of driving.
I'd think if the heat is set to floor/body selection if I hit defrost button during the drive then turned defrost off by button it would revert back to original heat selection I had. I've tried everything.
My wife was driving in snow and when she clicked defrost off she called me and said no heat is on, so she had to go manually reset it on.
If I'm in climate on lcd screen it shows floor/body vents on, then I touch defrost which turns off previous selection. If I then touch defrost off on screen all heat is off until I manually select again.
It's really a pita how the software is setup.

As I mentioned, I don't have the Explorer any more so I can't try and duplicate your set-up to check and see if it is normal. All I know is that having been on here for 9+ years, this doesn't seem to be an issue and one that I've not experienced.


I do notice now trying it after I got defrost off it does say Auto next to the body and floor vent icons and there is air coming out of those vents so I guess technically it is working but it is on auto which I don't want so I just need to manually press the body and floor icons again. Strange all winter in cold weather it wasnt coming on after defrost turned off maybe cold temps had something to do with auto coming on.
Dunno but 3 years doing it u just got used to it.

Mine setting is always on AUTO, just like the home HVAC system.


Oh there ya
We don't use auto setting at home either
