Considering High Mileage Sport Trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Considering High Mileage Sport Trac


New Member
August 15, 2013
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2008 Cad CTS
Hi, I am considering purchase of a high mileage Sport Trac for my son who is turning 16 soon. Looks like near 100k miles on the odometer for a Sport Trac in my price range. Are these reliable vehicles? I would hope he could get 80 - 100k additional miles out of whatever I get for him. Since I am paying for it I want a small truck so I can use it when necessary!

Advice pro's and con's would be greatly appreciated.

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What year? The 02 and up are what is called "Job 2" and fixed quite a bit of the first model year 01 problems. 4WD or 2WD? XLS, XLT, XLT Premium? Rusty?

These trucks can run nearly forever with the proper care. Things to look out for are timing chain noise (probably the biggest thing to watch out for), a shift flare between 2nd and 3rd gear (indicates trans probably wasn't taken care of, but usually not too expensive if caught early) emissions codes (bring a code scanner when you go to buy it to check if there are any stored, pending, or drive cycle not reset codes), inspect CV front axle boots and CV driveshaft boot for tears or flung grease, and ball joints/tie rod ends/abnormal tire wear. Lots of people don't ever touch their suspension, so any abnormal tire wear could indicate ball joint and tie rod replacements. It's not too expensive to do though, even using top of the line Moog parts. Other than that, not too much.

These trucks are very reliable, and have been proven since 1995. The Sport Tracs are basically an extended frame second gen (95-01) with a bed instead of cargo area. The frame is also reinforced and stronger than the standard second gen as well as having a longer wheelbase. The Ford 8.8 rear axle is tough as nails, and even the Dana 35 SLA front axle is pretty stout. The engine can go for a long time with proper care (synthetic oil helps out a lot, and I really like the Valvoline MaxLife stuff), the trans is pretty tough with proper fluid changes, and the transfer case is the proven BW1354. All in all, very good little trucks.

I wouldn't consider 100,000 miles particularly high on an '01-05.

It would be a great first truck if it was maintained properly. Do they have paper work for any maintenance? After a 100k in miles your looking at $1000 for tranny fluid change, radiator, trans case, differential, fuel filter etc. Thats what I just preformed on my 03 sport track. Been in the family since new and has worked flawlessly. Its all in how it was maintained.

100k is not a lot of miles for a Sport Trac. The weak spot is the transmission, especially if the fluid has not been changed regularly. Gen 1's call for a trans flush every 30k I think, which hardly anyone does, so I would do that right away. If it is a 4x4 the transfer case lube (it is Mercon ATF) should be changed every 60k. The ONLY way to change the front axle lube on a 4x4 is by taking it to the Valvoline Quicky Lube to do with their suction machine because you cannot get the diff cover off with the diff in the vehicle. At $49.99 per axle it's not really worth the bother of doing the rear yourself either.

As mentioned, they will basically run forever if maintained properly.
