Solved - Could somebody identify these relays? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solved Could somebody identify these relays?

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Elite Explorer
February 22, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Las vegas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 aerostar awd
When I bought my van I found these in the back hatch were the jack was stored.
Any ideas.


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They look like old style relays. Can't tell size of them. don-ohio

Thanks I found a old fourm note to check the transfer case speed sensor check them out with an ohm meter. The posting said it should read 1000,2000,3000. If it reads between 200/300 it's bad. I checked my relay under seat I been driving fine for a year unplugged . According to some I'm still running in 4x4 mode but in 30/70. I have a factory open rear not a locker. Do I really need 50/50. Wouldn't be better just to get rid of my 7" rear and get the 8.5 with a possi in case I ever got stuck and put a true diff up front.

Detroit truetrac front and rear would be nice. I put one in my ranger, the van is next to get one. You don't really need the 50/50 split but there may come a situation where it would be nice to have it. Those are relays made by Pat Pending. Actually the part number shows they are for a GMC truck.

Detroit truetrac front and rear would be nice. I put one in my ranger, the van is next to get one. You don't really need the 50/50 split but there may come a situation where it would be nice to have it. Those are relays made by Pat Pending. Actually the part number shows they are for a GMC truck.
No wonder why my truck ran funny bad gmc mojo. Josh I asked the guy today in ranger who put the awd unit from the areostar into his 4x4 ranger. He did not know if the larger pumpkin outdoor fit the space.
Steel is expensive when you buy a small amount. I wanted to use my new mig to make a new rear bumper with a swing away tire carrier,
