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Dash speaker removal & boost gauge plumbing questions>>>


Well-Known Member
August 2, 2013
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2017 Explorer Sport
Has anyone taken the grill off their centre dash speaker? I can't tell if I can pop it out with a plastic, non-marring tool or if it is a different type of fit. My Ford dealership was not certain either.

Any advice would be great. Looking at this location for a gauge pod (boost and water temp) and an upholstered leather base that would match the seats.

I will upload the template for the base once it is cut to size. This is a far better visibility point than the cupholder as others had pointed out. The hole where the speaker wires come up will provide the perfect access point for the gauge pod wires.

Also, could someone offer a specific vaccum line that would be appropriate under the hood for the a boost gauge line?

Is there an easy access point to mount an oil pressure gauge under the hood ? Debating on oil pres. or water temp.

Thanks for any help that can be offered.


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definitely interested to hear. I'd love to put an aeroforce and a boost gauge up there in that location.

I just swapped out the center speaker in my XLT and might be able to help. I believe the trim is the same between the XLT and the Sport, so hopefully this info is relevant.

1. Remove the long plastic strips from either side of the touch screen area using a panel tool. The strips are held in with tabs, so it should only take a little force to pop them out.

2. This should expose 4 bolts holding the screen assembly in place. Remove these 4 bolts and tilt the assembly forward from the top. There is a lip at the top of the screen assembly that holds the speaker grill in place.

3. With the screen out of the way, you should be able to pry up the speaker grill now. There should be 4 tabs holding the grill to the dash.

With the speaker removed, there is lots of free space within the dash to work with. Hope this helps.


Thanks guys - great!

And so the quest for gauges begins! :)

Where to plumb in Boost Gauge>>>

Could someone please recommend, with a picture of where to locate it, an appropriate vaccum line to connect my Boost Gauge to? Looking to install the Autometer Ford Racing LED Boost Gauge and not sure which line to tee into.

Thanks very much.


Has anyone installed a boost gauge? I've love to see how it came out and where you put it...?


Here is a copy of a post by Nvious1 in the Discussion forum;

If you are looking for a cheap alternative you could get an OBDII connector for the ECU and then use a smart phone app like Torque (for Android) or a similar iPhone app that will give you a boost / vacuum gauge for when you want it as well as tons of other readings you don't have gauges for. I do the same on my mazdaspeed vehicle since it has crap for gauges. I just get a suction cell phone mount to put it up there when I want to track that stuff. Enjoy.


Took the grille out on the dash and that idea is not going to work. Considering two options: single boost gauge on trim in front of the steering wheel, pod would be held on by a finishing screw OR a boost gauge on an a-pillar pod at the side. I have seen a few that do not look bad...still not perfect like the full a-pillar replacements but not bad.

I am still not sure where I can tee in for a boost gauge feed. That is turning out to be more challenging than I had thought.


Took the grille out on the dash and that idea is not going to work. Considering two options: single boost gauge on trim in front of the steering wheel, pod would be held on by a finishing screw OR a boost gauge on an a-pillar pod at the side. I have seen a few that do not look bad...still not perfect like the full a-pillar replacements but not bad.

I am still not sure where I can tee in for a boost gauge feed. That is turning out to be more challenging than I had thought.

I thought I was done with seeing hop up stuff on forums when I left the mustang realm. Glad to see you guys kicking butt and making the best of your ride! It is a bummer that we are limited to only so many aftermarket items as compared to the stangs and camaros.

disappointed nobody's come up with a gauge pod setup for these.

Anyone have a picture of what it looks like with the speaker grill off? I have a remote radio head I want to mount up there but since its a grill type cover now vs the flat platform I dont know if I can mount anything there. Maybe one from an older model explorer would fit in its place?

So, has nobody installed an aftermarket boost gauge in a newer Explorer YET??

So, has nobody installed an aftermarket boost gauge in a newer Explorer YET??
Using the handy 'Search' feature, I found some threads on boost gauges but not sure if any are helpful.


Anyone have a picture of what it looks like with the speaker grill off? I have a remote radio head I want to mount up there but since its a grill type cover now vs the flat platform I dont know if I can mount anything there. Maybe one from an older model explorer would fit in its place?
I've got a universal top tray from a 2016 PIU that could be the solution to your radio mount issue.
