-Deathrow Update Log- | Page 34 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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-Deathrow Update Log-

Alright, goody #1 has arrived!


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Ya have to let me know how that works out and if there's a difference in power
See, you imply I'll notice the difference lol
Has been almost 2 years since I drove her! Plus I'm sure the touch ups during the rebuild will bring some power back top anyway lol
But for sure, I'll let ya know what I think lol

See, you imply I'll notice the difference lol
Has been almost 2 years since I drove her! Plus I'm sure the touch ups during the rebuild will bring some power back top anyway lol
But for sure, I'll let ya know what I think lol
Lol true man I appreciate it I have been eyeballing that intake for years

Another small update, ignore it being quite rough, but progress made on the console! Still gotta find a way to mount the board, plus I gotta solder a relocated button for the temp and all, but everything for the most part fits just as planned! Gotta cut the lens down too so it can mount a lil' better in that space since the bottom sits between plastics, but getting there, looking awesome so far!




So far, so good! That K&N high-flow intake is a piece of art, one of my favorite modifications to my Sport (very low maintenance and super easy and fast to clean).

@Lee's Automotive There wasn't an appreciable difference in power for me (not a fan of running past 3000 RPM's), but it woke up the throttle response a bit. Sure changed the sound, it whines now.

@DemonMudder Also curious how it will affect yours, although as you've mentioned, I don't expect a detailed comparison after such a long time of not driving the Ex.

So far, so good! That K&N high-flow intake is a piece of art, one of my favorite modifications to my Sport (very low maintenance and super easy and fast to clean).

@Lee's Automotive There wasn't an appreciable difference in power for me (not a fan of running past 3000 RPM's), but it woke up the throttle response a bit. Sure changed the sound, it whines now.

@DemonMudder Also curious how it will affect yours, although as you've mentioned, I don't expect a detailed comparison after such a long time of not driving the Ex.
Power is power, even a smidge is acceptable! But yeah, I probably won't notice the difference so much these days lol

not a fan of running past 3000 RPM's
I'm not usually either, but I guarantee once this ol' girl is running again, some flooring it and donuts shall be done!! Lmao

You gotta, uh, break in the timing chains! Yeah, that's what we'll call it.

May as well fix what's broke by breaking more! lol
Nah, I'll take it easy(er) for a lil' while after lol

Yall think it's worth doing the torque converter, flex plate, etc.. for the tranny while the engines out and that's easy to reach? Figure it can't be a bad idea at least?

Yall think it's worth doing the torque converter, flex plate, etc.. for the tranny while the engines out and that's easy to reach? Figure it can't be a bad idea at least?
im no expert in this but id think if it ain broke dont fix it (unless you wanna change stall speed or sum) since the big issues with the trans usually isnt the TC. but thats jus my opinion :)

im no expert in this but id think if it ain broke dont fix it (unless you wanna change stall speed or sum) since the big issues with the trans usually isnt the TC. but thats jus my opinion :)
Just figure it can't hurt either lol

If it ain't broke don't fix it lol

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Well, they don't make the brush guard I used to have except in chrome these days, so I haven't been able to nab one. BUT...I nabbed this beast for cheap instead! Pictures from me and the of the listing while it was on their truck. One or two very small spots of surface rust and that's it, suckers in fantastic shape and can't wait to throw it on once everything's fixed up!



