E350 van/truck? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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E350 van/truck?


Get a Load O' This Guy!
Elite Explorer
December 22, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 4x4

always loved the 80s/90s conversions, and this is no exception!!!!

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Those things are badass
Just need a 7.3 Powerstroke turbo diesel and you have a forever truck van thingy

I love my 2001
E350 7.3 chateau edition van it has rear disc brakes and a limited slip

460 is a great motor, but it has a drinking problem. I agree that thing would be perfect with a diesel.

Those were really cool.

We just purchased an E450 Class C with a 7.3l "Godzilla" engine. It moves it along very nicely.

Pushrods for the win!

Wrong fuel though you can still add a turbo! Hahaha

Those were really cool.

We just purchased an E450 Class C with a 7.3l "Godzilla" engine. It moves it along very nicely.
When will we see the "Ricks twin turbo, T56 manual E450 Class C" thread?

the godzilla is probably a big step up from the v10 though. i remember thinking it sounded liek a dying animal... or maybe thats just the one i remember haha

the godzilla is probably a big step up from the v10 though. i remember thinking it sounded liek a dying animal... or maybe thats just the one i remember haha
That's the sound of it sucking your wallet dry from the single digit fuel economy.

I had a v10 best it got was 11mpg

Godzilla should beat that even in an rv
