estimate front end repair | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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estimate front end repair


March 15, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Ft. Lauderdale Fl.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 explorer sport 4x4
Please give me a guess at what is a fair price to install new tie rod ends (inner and outer ). upper control arm with ball joints and lower ball joints. I bought all the materials to do it but my buddy teaked his back on a quad and is out of commission for a while. 2001 explorer sport 4x4

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Do it yourself, not too bad. Honestly, it's about 2-3 hours of work, shop price.

It was $500 for me to get all that plus ball joints, shocks and coil springs done on my 97 ranger.. same set up... So less than $500, including alignment afterwards.

Set your buddy up with a comfortable chair and a few beers or coffees as appropriate, he can crack the whip while you do the labour.

That's what I do with my son.

Flash probably has the best response. Your buddy can at least provide instruction as you actually do the work. i would suggest to have, at minimum, a 12 pack for your friend.

Thanks guys, sorry about the delay on returning your answers. I had a freind of a freind shop do it. Had the whole front end , 4 ranchos and 2" TT and 2" add a leaf ,switched the brand new spare to the stock rim,buy & install a brand new goodyear, balance and alignment for $636. So thanks again. $ 500.00 for labor and $ 136.00 for the 255/70/16 tire. He also pad slapped and put in torsionbar inslulators that took 8 days to find. So I'm happy after 2 weeks of B.S.

I just did my 04 EXP 3 weeks ago
I did Tie rod ends, both LCA's and UCA's with strut coli assy's and sway links
took 3 hours, an 18 pack of cold JUICE and $395.00

I just let mine rattle. Its cheaper.
