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Evolution of an Explorer XL - How ExplorerForum.com got started

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Did Rick just have another "senior moment"????????:D

Nope, the lead photo on that page is the centerfold of Off-Road magazine...

My truck was photographed by Fourwheeler for a feature article a week after the photo shoot with Off-Road, but Fourwheeler never ran the article. I think they were pissed that I didn't tell them I had just had another photo shoot the week before. Hey, they never asked!

Could you imagine the same truck showing up on two covers at the same time??? I was REALLY hoping for it ;)

OK, I am real slow on posting at times.

Rick, the EF is one heck of a group of nutbags who come together for friendship and wheeling. This is all due to your foresight, I am honored to be part of your forum.

It took a long time, but the Pumkin and Jack's rig did get back to trail together, and I enjoyed the story of Jack and the flat at Top Of The World.



Here's to more trails and making of more memories. :chug:

Mike, it's amazing how much time has passed and how many trails have been run between those two photos. 15 years!:eek:

It was a pleasure meeting you in person and I sure hope we can meet on the trails many more times. :chug:

This year is the Pumpkin's 25th anniversary:eek:


Wow - time sure flies, doesn't it?

It's amazing how much faster time seems to pass as I get older. We're nearly into April... What happened to February? LOL

Glad to be along for part of the Ride Rick,,
Congrats and thank you for all your hard work,, :afro::afro: 2 fros,, way up bud,,

It's amazing how much faster time seems to pass as I get older. We're nearly into April... What happened to February? LOL
Wait. It’s March!?!?...........what year is it?

CONGRATS Rick! Explorer "antiques" soon. Unbelievable how time flies. As others have stated, glad to be a part of the site from the beginning. Tons of inspiration here. Never thought I would keep the Explorer past 4 years...

Congrats, Rick! The wealth of knowledge here is great!

It's amazing how much faster time seems to pass as I get older. We're nearly into April... What happened to February? LOL
I am still trying to figure out what happened to 2015

Bringing this back up for the Pumpkin's 30th anniversary.

pumpkin_crack.jpg rick_potato_salad2.jpg

Well, she is 31 years old now, produced in November of 1992. I have only been driving the Pumpkin from my house to the emissions test facility for the past few years. I am seriously contemplating registering it as an inoperable vehicle so I don't have to keep emissions testing it. :(

Times sure have changed. These days I prefer driving our 400HP Explorer ST. When I drive the Pumpkin with it's big tires and stock 4.0 it feels like it has the acceleration of a Volkswagen Beetle. :eek:

I need to get off the pot and come up with a V3.0 for the Pumpkin. I have lot's of ideas, but have not been able to commit to any of them.:banghead:

4 cyl Ecoboost with 10 speed would be lighter with twice the power. Lighter, climb hills better, more room to work on it, and, it is an evolution type explorer engine that should reward with fuel economy for the coming ages.

3.5 Ecoboost with the 700 hp tune.

Ford Barra 4.0 - the inline 6 beast from down under

It doesn't help we don't wheel like we use to. JP does the same. Pretty much just moves around the driveway. Although I have taken it out a couple of times this year. But yes, it's slow as crap. Yet it will still climb over anything. But I have settled my piece and decided a while ago that she is what she is, and nothing will change that. This is part of the reason why I started building the Navajo. I wanted to do things a little different, now I just need to make time to finish it.

As far as the pumpkin, why not take her into the future and do a electric conversation? I know it's not in our blood, but in the end we're still car enthusiast, no matter what powers it. She would make a bad ass giant rc car. 😎 Plus no more emissions.

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Electric drive with a small diesel generator, train style.
