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Explorer convertible


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Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 16, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
43°48′48″N 91°13′59″W
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4 do'
We saw this in Attica about a year ago. I dont think this guy is on the board and we couldn't find him so this is all there is to go by but ya'll can appreciate the custom work


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Dang....that does take some work. Did you get to see it with the top on?

i dont know how i feel about that. its pretty cool because it was probably all custom work and im sure theres not many of them out there, but i dont know if id want it, heh.

Yeah, that's kinda what I think too. It doesn't exactly look like the most "natural" convertible ;) But I'd have to see it in person to actually tell how it really looks... That's why I was wondering if he saw it with the top on, I was wondering how that looks, too

it might be kinda cool if he made a custom hardtop for it out of the part he cut off, but thats prolly a crap load of work :p

Cool idea!

Don't like the unicolor look though. It needs fender flares of some kind.

really, jason25? i love the unicolor deal. every explorer ive seen with it looks awesome, i think. if i didnt have to deal with white, id do it too ;)

yeah, if everything is painted to match it will look more like a limited, which is a better looking truck. Limiteds rock!

Hey Dan,

I remember that, all I got to say is....EH. It's alright. Hey the year before the Superlift event I went with the gang to Attica and in NOIEC fashion we got a little lost. While driving around the boonies for awhile, I could have sworn I say that Explorer at a fair and no one believed me. It was the exact same one. I knew I wasn't crazy and I wasn't drunk at the time!

Originally posted by tbomb
i dont know if id want it, heh.
I dont think I'd want it either, but I thought it would be something interesting to post in the sport truck forum

Hey Pete is Francis still chopping the top on his Splorer? Do ya think it will look this good lol?

Looks good with the top off but what about with the top on..............yeah like those pickup truck covertibles...........yeah those are horrible...........I'll stop now.

it looks like a retarded ford ranger...in my opinion.

major props to the man who spent probbaly countlss hours working on that though.

Hey I am actually looking for information on how to do this to my 94 explorer xlt.

Before anyone asks themselves dear god why, this is going to be for hunting only. Not a daily driver, not concerned about asthetics. It will be used to hunt the national forests of California where tree stands aren't a feasible option.

If you wernt drunk, why not?

Hey Dan,

I remember that, all I got to say is....EH. It's alright. Hey the year before the Superlift event I went with the gang to Attica and in NOIEC fashion we got a little lost. While driving around the boonies for awhile, I could have sworn I say that Explorer at a fair and no one believed me. It was the exact same one. I knew I wasn't crazy and I wasn't drunk at the time!

this thread is old enough to be in High school.

While we are bumping it with useless posts....
