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Explorer forum story


Explorer Addict
April 26, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
coupville, wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 xlt
Lets have some fun with this, this is how it works, im going to start it off with three words, the next person same thing but it has to go with what the person before him wrote for example.

if i wrote,

I was hungry
the next person would write somthing like
so i made
as so one, but you can only use three words and it has to extend what was written before you.

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I was at

Truckhaven eating a

dirt sandwhich when

wierd endangered animal

offered me beer

So i grabbed

yet another beer

sec.525 and Ric

so we all

grabbed a chair

at eachother for

Jefe's RC plane

too close to

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ric's orange explorer
