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Does anyone know how to get herculiner off my hootus?

Urethane remover.

then idk how its coming off. gotta dissolve or grind it off. (i think)

then idk how its coming off. gotta dissolve or grind it off. (i think)
Well, I guess my hootus is going to have a permanent rubber coating which might come in handy ;)

the tire rubber things in bedliner would be a horrible grit

Follow. The. Rules.

Rules, what rules?

You got it right, but I had forgotten the rules.

As a reminder to anyone else wanting to play this is from the first post.

"Lets have some fun with this, this is how it works, im going to start it off with three words, the next person same thing but it has to go with what the person before him wrote for example.

if i wrote,

I was hungry
the next person would write somthing like
so i made
as so one, but you can only use three words and it has to extend what was written before you."

with a big

Pile of poop

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