Explorer sport exo cage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer sport exo cage


Well-Known Member
June 15, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Tenino, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 sport
Some pic's of my cage and bumpers on my 91 sport.




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Wow, that looks really good man!

Thanks. Thats the second body for that rig... you can imagine what happened to the other one with all the trees and rocks in Washington.

that is insane. awesome truck

looks good, but isn't that a Navajo? I see Navajo badges on the Tailgate.

Nice, gives me some ideas for my B2... :D

The new body is off of a navajo, the truck started life as a explorer. I kept the lights and gril and swaped them from the old ex body.

Very cool! :thumbsup: What are the specs on the tube?

1.75 by .120 wall HREW The bumpers are 3/16 and 1/4" plate with some tube thrown in.

That is just so cool. Tube Doors next?

Thats pretty sweet. Very clean and professional looking.

Wow, one of the better looking Exo's I've seen!

Thanks, tube doors in the works. I already dented both doors on the first trip with the new cage...

Man that looks good. I have always love the look of an exo cage.

How much weight did you gain?

I have about 160' of tube into the cage not counting the sliders. Not sure what the tube weight is but its not that much when your talking about an offroad rig. I bet the my swampers on the steel wheels with beadlocks are right there with what the cage added, on the other hand my center of gravity might be a little higher. I dont notice it driving down the road like I thought I would.

My steel book says 2.089 lb per foot for 1.75 by .120 wall. So, 160*2.089 = 334.24 I'd guess there's about another 10lbs of weld on top of that.

Hey WhitetrashFab that is a good looking rig:thumbsup:
What is the specs on the truck? I see you are sas rig. What axle are you running up front? It looks like the front has been shortened or is it a fullsize? Sorry for all the questions just want to know more about your rig.

Wow.. very nicely done exo-cage.. much cleaner than the one i did on my bronco a while ago... for only a 330lb weight gain its inspiring me to build a similar cage on my new explorer build...




by the way.. Did you replace the body mounts with solid mounts so the body cant flex and hit the cage? if you haven't done that I'd highly recommend it.. i speak from experience on this.. my broncos exo-cage isn't exactly a close fit to the body, but after rolling it a couple times, you could see in places where the body had hit the cage some.

I didn't replace any mounts, the body hits the cage if you slam something hard but it dosent bother me. If I hit something that hard without the cage I would be putting windows in and hammering the openings back out like I used to do every trip.

The axles are from a 75 bronco, chromoly's, gears, lockers, all that fun stuff. We have built a cupple of ranger based rigs the same way and they all do well for the kind of wheeling we like to do. My next mod will be building a dubler or buying an atlas for playing in the rocks...

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that looks sick!! =p
