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Holy crap Spindle that's AWESOME! I'm getting single in dual out done this week. Side swept looks like the way to go for sure. What'd that cost you? How are the pipes secured?

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huskyfan23 said:
Holy crap Spindle that's AWESOME! I'm getting single in dual out done this week. Side swept looks like the way to go for sure. What'd that cost you? How are the pipes secured?
$220 total, went with a 21/4 in, dual 2 out 14 inch magnaflow, you need smaller outlets because you have far less pipe (backpressure)
If your cat has bolts and springs, you will need two hangers welded to the frame to keep the tips from shifting, if not one hanger works fine.
The tips are about 3/4 inch from the cladding, I used stainless steel tips.
Chrome works but starts to rust after about a year.
This setup will only work for streeters.

Wow that's an awesome price. Well.. since I'm supercharging I think 2.25 will suit me. Muffler comes tomorrow and I'll go down and talk to them about what I want.

huskyfan23 said:
Wow that's an awesome price. Well.. since I'm supercharging I think 2.25 will suit me. Muffler comes tomorrow and I'll go down and talk to them about what I want.
Bigger may be better with your program. just for grins, print my pic, take it with you,My guy had a hard time with the install (just gettin all the angles correct) alot of pipe bending to do, coming from the cat, he had to do a slight dip in the pipe to get under the frame, than angle up to make the tips level, works for me.have fun.

Good idea! Thanks for the tips.

huskyfan23 said:
Good idea! Thanks for the tips.
No you cannot have my tips, are welded on dude :D

Spindlecone -- that is some nice exhaust. I was planning on doing that as well, but I ran across a problem with the body lift! Oh well, it looks good!


off-road97Xplor said:
The duel out would be louder than single.

cat back dual maybe.. i think tru dual is quieter than single isnt it?

Thx Drew
Would not be doable with your 7 inch BL I would think

My muffler came, went down to my exhaust guy. He won't do like Spindle's. Gotta be 2 feet past the rear window :thumbdwn: He's doing one pipe out each end by the bumper now. $160, getting done tomorrow. Can't wait!

huskyfan23 said:
My muffler came, went down to my exhaust guy. He won't do like Spindle's. Gotta be 2 feet past the rear window :thumbdwn: He's doing one pipe out each end by the bumper now. $160, getting done tomorrow. Can't wait!
Man Husky, those pipes stickin out 2 feet past the rear window is gonna look sort of wierd J/K, suppose he meant the rear passenger side window :D
Calif law says the only restriction on side exhaust is the outlet cannot be more than between 2 and 11 ft off the ground for non-commercial vehicles.
If you read the Fed laws on Exhaust mods, it's illegal to go catback single in dual out in any vehical OEM equipped with single out.
Do you ever see any SVT F150s, or Roush stangs in your state?
Am certain your system will be killer.
With them two foot twice pipes commin out the back, suppose you could put a bikerack on them :D

spindlecone said:
Thx Drew
Would not be doable with your 7 inch BL I would think

haha yeah that'd be safe! A friend of mine is going to be purefly "mud bog" quality, but it's going to have 20" springs made for it and then he wants like a 10 body lift. I was like "wow, that's unsafe" -- but then again it's just an offroad rig. He has a old Dodge ram.


Yeah, passenger windows :p I'm sure it'll still sound sick. I see Lightnings all over. The law probably doesn't apply to OEM exhaust, but he told me on 4 door vehicles the limit is 2 feet. Since Lightnings are 2 door it's probably different.

Might as well keep this going here....

Any opinions on the Flowmaster Force II Catback, comes with 2.25 inch pipes and a 50 series i belive, Summit has them for like 170 bucks or so. Anyone have one, and how does it sound? I know the 50 is quieter compared to the 40 series..

Or would getting a 40 series be better because i like exhaust to be loud when accelerating but not so much when just cruizing, and i dont want something that wakes up the neighborhood either.... also at cruzing highway speed is the 40 still loud sounding?, or only when you get on the pedal??

Any thoughts welcome.. thnx

That was the first kit I owned. It was good but I swapped for a 40 series. You might wanna think about a 40 Delta if you don't want as much cabin noise. The 50 isn't much louder than stock.

Holy schnikies! It sounds AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I'll get pics tomorrow. Wanna get a sound clip but don't wanna have to use my cell phone to do it. I'll think of something.

Pics, need pics
Next mod, get a y-pipe, you think it sounds killer now:)

OK. Pics are up. He cut the tips flush with the bumper so it looks pretty sweet too. I have a y-pipe, first gens are single out :D


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Looks killer, bet it sounds great, you have no swaybar ( are you god forbid, an offroad person:)

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And M/T's :p I am, but I have a supercharger on its way so that may end :eek: The rear doesn't do much on our first gens anyways.
