Fluid leak!! Ford!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fluid leak!! Ford!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr


Active Member
February 4, 2015
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
15' Explorer Limited
Said I'd never own an American made vehicle and now I do! Unfortunately my nightmare already came true and the vehicle doesn't even have 1,000 miles on it!! My wife has been the only one driving it with the two kids and she drives like a granny! She wanted rims so I installed them tonight, while under the vehicle I noticed some spots on my drive way in random locations and knew it was a petroleum based substance as it hadn't evaporated. Under further inspection of the under carriage I find a leak of redish pink fluid. Is this transmission fluid? Smh sooooooo frustrated!!! Yes it will be under warranty but nothing is ever repaired the same as from the factory and its BRAND NEW!!! Never out of all my Jap vehicles have I had an issue! 07' Subaru STI 98,000 and never once HAD AN ISSUE AND I DRIVE THE HE.. Out of it. 12' Titan that she had and traded for this explorer....never had an issue! Scion xB never an issue! Why why why!? Ok end rant! Please help!

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If it is a redish colour than it could be transmission fluid. A brown colour could indicate a PTU seal leak which is more common.


PTU standing for? And yeah pretty sure it's red. By a black plastic piece towards the center of the motor. I was frustrated and really didn't want to delve into it to deep.

And hers is a fwd and doing a quick browse I see the PTU being for the awd/rear shaft if I'm not mistaken. So that's crappy if it is the transmission!

Power Transfer Unit. Power Transfer Units provide full-time or on-demand AWD torque distribution for front wheel-drive based AWD systems.


Thanks Peter your always quick to reply and helpful! So yeah guess it's reddish and not the PTU!! Great hope it's not a full engine pull repair! That's just gut twisting!

Ok so it's irritating me so I did a closer inspection this morning on my way to work. Coming from around this black plastic cover. I didn't remove it do to time and figured I'd let ford fix it but any ideas? Just a seal maybe? Hopefully an easy fix.


... Under further inspection of the under carriage I find a leak of redish pink fluid...

Hi Getcusome,

I recommend making an appointment at your dealership so they can help. Additionally, I'll loop in your regional customer service manager (CSM). To get started, PM me your full name, best daytime phone number, VIN, current mileage, and preferred servicing dealership. I'll alert your CSM. :thumbsup:


Thanks Crystal, my wife is at Lakeland Ford in Florida having it looked as I write this.

If it's leaking, my guess is a faulty seal which shouldn't be a big deal. At most, an inconvenience for you. I'd go through Crystal at the very least and request a rental through Ford. You shouldn't have to be inconvenienced for something like this so soon.

However, do remember that things do happen.. just because you've been lucky with your other vehicles, I can surely bet you that someone with the same vehicles as your past have had issues. Someone somewhere is going to have something go wrong with each make/model.

Stop blowing smoke blwnsmoke haha just kidding. Thanks for your perspective and yes I guess you could be correct about being lucky with my other vehicles but coincidentally my gut feeling already has been confirmed not even 1,000 miles in! Just ironic

Thanks Crystal, my wife is at Lakeland Ford in Florida having it looked as I write this.

Sure thing, Getcusome; I'm happy to help! Let us know what your wife hears from the dealership. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need me to step in and assist. :thumbsup:

