Ford pulls out of SEMA 2022! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford pulls out of SEMA 2022!


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST
Traditionally Ford has had the largest presence of any auto manufacturer at the show. They had "Ford Out Front" which took up a huge open paved area which they used for exhibition driving, and a huge main stage indoors. Honda has also pulled out and there are rumors that GM is doing the same.

It will be interesting to see what SEMA will come up with to take the place of "Ford Out Front".


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Traditionally Ford has had the largest presence of any auto manufacturer at the show. They had "Ford Out Front" which took up a huge open paved area which they used for exhibition driving, and a huge main stage indoors. Honda has also pulled out and there are rumors that GM is doing the same.

It will be interesting to see what SEMA will come up with to take the place of "Ford Out Front".

may i ask why they pulled out? the article didnt give a exact reason. and i wonder what ford will do instead, and what sema will do

All open questions right now.

Not profitable? If sema cost more then they gain then it would be a financial decision

When you can't keep up with sales, it kinda makes sense . Things are silly

This is what I was thinking. If they can't supply a product why continue to heavily promote the product?

This is what I was thinking. If they can't supply a product why continue to heavily promote the product?

That sounds ominous. If they really did back out due to very low production estimates, that could point to a much worse economy than we have right now. That's very scary. This lack of supply issue should be improving, not getting worse(and it's pretty bad now).
