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Froader and Section coming to Texas

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4/5 days and counting....depending on when they get here. :confused:

Johnny, When you coming down? Call me ;)

I cant decide if we are coming down Friday or Saturday. Still need to figure out the whole camper issue.

Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what the reason Section is coming down? I know Colin's getting the engine swap...

They are a couple and plan on doing the gay marriage thing :D Dunno I assume cause Section has a tow rig..

Here they are at the beach together a few weeks ago.. :D

RangerX said:
Maybe I missed it somewhere, but what the reason Section is coming down? I know Colin's getting the engine swap...

He's bringing me a T-case :D Seriously, other then that I don't know.Dead Link Removed

Because I am independently wealthy and have nothing else to do. :p

because I like motorized toys...

That chick hawt and all but she moved her hands way too much. And at the end when she did the 'rockin' robin' thing I almost e-broke up with her.

Blee1099 said:
They are a couple and plan on doing the gay marriage thing :D

Here they are at the beach together a few weeks ago.. :D
I was afraid that might be the case. :eek: Sorry I asked! :roll:

I'm the one in back.


All I have to say is wow..


Us at our rehearsal last weekend.

Stic-o said:
Johnny, When you coming down? Call me ;) I miss you.
et tu, stico?

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