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Garage floor?

What covering do you have on the floor of your garage/workshop?

I am in the market for a new floor in my garage. Any thoughts/suggestions?

Thanks in advance ......

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There's that epoxy type coating from 3M that looks like would be pretty good. I think they have it at autostores.

briwayjones said:
There's that epoxy type coating from 3M that looks like would be pretty good. I think they have it at autostores.

I have been looking at several epoxy coating systems and I do like them.

Anyone have one?

Al - to get an idea for garage floor covering may I suggest you call the Home Depot at 1-800-793-3768 for a free in home consultation. They hvae three offerings. The Ultra, which is Expoxy Primer followed by the Expoxy coatong and finsihed up with a protective clearcoat application. The Ultra comes with a 3 year warranty and a choice of 20 colr patterns.

The Premium is a two step offering; the Epoxy primer follwed by the expoxy coating. This offering comes with a 2 year warranty and come in 10 different color options.

The Basic offering consists of a 2-part epoxy coating in 2 color offerings and a 1 year warrranty.

I'm getting my free consult next week and hope to get it done before I go if the price is right. I have a 2-car garage and figure it will increase the overall value of my home.


Al, I did both my garage floor and my shed floor with Sherwin Williams TileClad II Epoxy Coat and it works very well. It's a 2 part epoxy that comes in two 1 gallon cans. You mix them together, let it dwell for an hour or so, and then roll it on. Cures to touch in 1 hour, to use (Including driving on) in about 6 hours, and fully in a week. I'd highly recommend it. You can get it tinted pretty much any color you want.

Best way to do it is first degrease your floor, then etch the top layer off with muratic acid, then power wash the floor...let it dry fully and then apply the epoxy.

Check out

oso2324 said:
I'm getting my free consult next week and hope to get it done before I go if the price is right. I have a 2-car garage and figure it will increase the overall value of my home.


Mike, please post the info after you get the quote.

I am looking for a coating somewhat like in the picture below.


  • flake2.jpg
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Al - that particluar coloring is called "terrazo tan." Will post quote when I get it. Mike

i am moving into my new house at the end of the month. and will have a garage 25 by 22 and will be wanting to do something to the floor. Hopefully I can get some ideas from you also.
i remember in the air force you could eat off the floor where we worked and where they kept the F-15's and wanting something nice like that.

aldive said:
Jeff, that looks good.

What is it like to walk on? Slippery? How about cleaning?

Thanks ....

It's slippery when it's wet because I didn't add any aggregate. In fact, one day my daughter and one of her friends hosed it down with water and were using it as a slip 'n' slide until we found out :rolleyes: . Dry it's fine, and cleaning is a breeze. Oil, tranny fluid, gas, etc, all wipe up easily, and I pressure washed it this spring with no problem. It's also very tough. I had coated my porch boards with spar urethane in the garage last fall, and had spattered the floor with the urethane. When I pressure washed it this spring, I was able to blast the urethane off the floor without hurting the epoxy....good stuff.

Drapers garage floor gets abused.. its welded on, cut on, grinded on, etc.. Sucker just last period.

What ever You use to seal it, and you do a lot of your own work on your vehical. I would recommend a light color so as to reflect light back off the floor. Especially if your underneath the car.

Al - Home Depot pricing for their Rust-Oleum garage floor coating service follows and is geared to a standard two-car garage:

Single layer (available in tan or gray terrazzo) with 1 year warranty = $2.00 per square foot

Premium (two layers available in 5 different shades of terrazzo gray and 5 different shades of terrazzo tan) with 2 year warranty = $2.75 per square foot

Ultra (three layers available in 20 different shades of terrazzo gray and tan) with three year warranty = $3.75 per square foot. The price rises to $4.25 per square foot for the granite or quartz finish.

This is more money than I was planning spending. So, I'll probably go to Home Dept or Lowe's or someplace else, buy the kit and do it myself.

That is after all one of the joys of this site - learning how to do things yourself and not having to pay for someone else's labor.

oso2324 said:
Al - Home Depot pricing for their Rust-Oleum garage floor coating service follows and is geared to a standard two-car garage:

Single layer (available in tan or gray terrazzo) with 1 year warranty = $2.00 per square foot

Premium (two layers available in 5 different shades of terrazzo gray and 5 different shades of terrazzo tan) with 2 year warranty = $2.75 per square foot

Ultra (three layers available in 20 different shades of terrazzo gray and tan) with three year warranty = $3.75 per square foot. The price rises to $4.25 per square foot for the granite or quartz finish.

This is more money than I was planning spending. So, I'll probably go to Home Dept or Lowe's or someplace else, buy the kit and do it myself.

That is after all one of the joys of this site - learning how to do things yourself and not having to pay for someone else's labor.


Thanks for the info. That is a bunch of money!

Did you price the kit to DIY?

that is alot of money.. WOW.
Once i close on my house that is one of the first things I will be doing is putting a epoxy coating down.
I would love to do the black and white checkered tiles. but wow that is expensive.
it will be a one car garage door but it will be just about 550 sq feet. so that would be out of the question for me. probaably just buy the 2 part stuff and use maybe 2 gallons of that stuff.
and hopefully i can do that with new cement..

Those prices are probably for someone associated from Home Depot to paint your garage floor. I doubt they would make the price that high for the epoxy based paint per sq foot.

Blee1099 said:
Those prices are probably for someone associated from Home Depot to paint your garage floor. I doubt they would make the price that high for the epoxy based paint per sq foot.

To quote from Mike's post "Home Depot pricing for their Rust-Oleum garage floor coating service follows".

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the coating stuff for the cement floors are awesome, i'll get you some pics of a house we are working on that had them done to his 8 garage bays and basement. Might take me a bit to get them, we don't go back till the end of the week. Also, make sure you have them do it all at one time, once its mixed you'll never get the same color again. Good luck!!, i'll post pics soon!
